Free Flu Shots offered in White Plains & Yonkers by Westchester Department of Health Friday. Call for appointment.

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With flu season in full swing, the Westchester County Health Department is offering residents the opportunity this month to get free flu shots, along with vaccines to protect against six other diseases at its Yonkers and White Plains clinics.

“Getting vaccinated is a great way to keep a new year’s resolution to live healthier,” said County Executive Robert P. Astorino.

The health department clinics will offer:

  • Free flu vaccines to residents ages 19 and up and
  • Free HPV and meningococcal vaccine for college students.

Residents who are uninsured or whose insurance doesn’t cover vaccines also may receive:

  • Zoster vaccines for ages 60 and up to protect against Shingles
  • Flu vaccine for children ages six months through 18 years
  • MMR for women of childbearing age who neither received this vaccine nor had measles, mumps or rubella

Call now for your appointment. Supplies are limited. Clinics will be held:

  • Jan. 9 and Jan. 23 at our Yonkers Clinic, 20 S. Broadway, 2nd floor, call 231-2500
  • Jan. 16 and 30 at our White Plains Clinic, 134 Court St., call 995-5800

“We have vaccines for children, students, adults and seniors – and these vaccines provide safe and effective protection for a number of diseases,” said Commissioner of Health Sherlita Amler, MD.

To date, the Health Department has expanded access to adult vaccines by 000 vaccines at a variety of clinics countywide.

To prevent spreading the flu, cough or sneeze into your elbow and wash your hands often with soap and water frequently. If you do get a respiratory infection, stay home until 24 hours after your fever subsides to avoid spreading your germs. Clean surfaces you touch frequently, such as doorknobs, water faucets, refrigerator handles and telephones.  Get plenty of rest, exercise and eat healthy food.

For more health information, go to; Like us on and Follow us on Twitter @wchealthdept.


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