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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. December 11, 2014:

Ron and Marie Rhodes, The “Truth Police” sent another strong argument to the Mayor and Common Council urging rejection of the French American School of New York campus they plan to build on the former Ridgeway Country Club in the heart of the South End of Town:

Dear Mayor and Common Council,
We are thankful for our elected officials on the Board of Education for unanimously rejecting FASNY’s Traffic and their North Street Entrance. . .in order to protect WP School Children. 
We should keep in mind that it was the misguided mitigation efforts of FASNY and the City Staff that led to the North Street Entrance.  And while we believe most of the mitigation attempts so far on this FASNY project have been cosmetic and insignificant. . .this mitigation selection of the North Street Entrance gives us major concern with regard to the Safety, Health and Welfare of WP School Children, Seniors and other Citizens from the volume of FASNY Traffic.
Is anyone else surprised that since receiving the Board of Education’ Rejection Letter of September 15, 2014. .  .that FASNY and the City Staff mitigation experts have been stone-silent in suggesting any additional ways to reduce the Board’s concern about the Safety risk to WP School Children from FASNY’s Traffic?
As with most major developments there are also “unintended consequences” with the implementation of this FASNY project.  Unfortunately due to individual family economic circumstances. . .the majority of WP School Children who walk to WP High along Bryant Avenue to North Street. . .and who will be put at risk and in harm’s way by the volume of FASNY Traffic and the North Street Entrance. . .are our minority students.
Who then among our current Common Council is willing to put our own WP School Children, where minorities are the majority, at risk. . .by voting to approve a Special Permit for an exclusive and affluent private school for students who don’t even live in WP?
Supporting and protecting WP School Children, Seniors and other Citizens, who need your help, is the right thing to do.  Trying to help FASNY parents, who live in other communities, and who can afford $30,000 or so school tuitions. . . is well outside your elected responsibilities. . .particularly when it puts the Safety of WP School Children at risk. . .which we believe is just not morally right. 
We report. . .you decide.                                                                                                                                                      Your Truth Police, Team Rhodes
Marie and Ron Rhodes   

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