Mike Couzins WPHS Class of 07 Moves on Up — Joins ESPN Full-time

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If you get ESPNews, you can hear and see a familiar face from White Plains– Mike Couzins — if you tune in the Houston South Florida football game this Saturday at 4 ET.

Mike Couzins, White Plains High School Graduate, Class of 2007 is moving on up to the ultimate — ESPN.

After being with the minor league Fort Wayne TinCaps as play-by-play man and Media Relations Director, writing a daily TinCaps column called It’s All Relative  and freelancing ESPN football, basketball and specializing in ESPN’s unique assignments such as telecasting Ultimate Frisbee, ESPN has been impressed enough with Mike’s versatility, quick-study, diligent work ethic, and easy-going combination of Vin Scully-esque scene-setting and ability to flow a ballgame, (a long lost art)or any event they need, the international sports  giant has hired him to a full-time contract

Mike tells WPCNR from his new home in Chicago:

“I will be calling college football, college basketball, and high school basketball.  Right now I am home, on a typical week, Monday through Thursday, travel to the site of my football game on Friday, call the game Saturday, and fly home Sunday. Right now it is just play-by-play for me..no pre-game or studio assignments.

“Football scheduling goes week by week, so my current assignment is Houston at South Florida this Saturday at 4ET on ESPNews.
I don’t yet know my basketball schedule, but I anticipate most of the games I will call will be on ESPNU.”
To read one of WPCNR’s earlier stories on Mike (“Mike at the Mike”) go to:



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