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WPCNR CAMPAIGN 2014. From a White Plains CitizeNetReporter Observer. October 23, 2014:
The following are the impressions of a person familiar with White Plains issues who observed the Candidate’s Forum at the White Plains Library sponsored by the League of Women Voters and gave WPCNR their impressions, first his take on the statements of Joe Dillon and George Latimer running for the 37th District State Senate seat:
Joe Dillon was good, but George Latimer was even better.
Latimer accused Dillon of lying about/ distorting his (Latimer’s) record. He challenged the audience to read up on his record.
Latimer made one mistake, he said that Mamaroneck Ave, was thriving with the help of state iniatives, which, as we know, is not true. Many businesses are closing along the Mamroneck Ave/ Post Road Corrider. Nevertheless, I felt Latimer won hands down.
In the Hunt-Robinson-Guerriere contest, the moderator could not pronounce Terrence’s name correctly much of the time. Although both candidates did a good job, I felt that Nadine showed better than Terrence. She showed a lot of passion, had the insider’s edge, and was obviously well coached by the Democratic Party.
Both candidates were in favor of following the City’s Master Plan, up-dating the Plan with a new one and following all zoning laws.
Terrence felt parking in WP was a big issue and proposed free parking for residents, as one way to improve retail business in downtown.
Nadine wanted more residential apartment building downtown, thus generating more people to shop along Mamaroneck Ave. She touted the new Lyons Place garage, as a place to park. She favored walking over cars. Both candidates were good, but I have to give the edge to Hunt-Robinson.