Reasons Why White Plains Sales Tax Receipts Continue Soft

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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. October 22, 2014: 

Alex Philippidis, former Co-Host of White Plains Week and national internet reporter, expert on Westchester County business trends,  reacts to First Quarter Sales Tax Receipts Results in White Plains

“Howdy from White Plains, NY, where all those summer street festivals didn’t raise sales tax collections; indeed they were down 1.14% from a year ago, while NY’s Westchester County as a whole rose 2.49% year-over-year, FB follower (& former TV co-host) John Bailey reports. See if your guesses/reasons why match up with mine:

* Continuing reputation of WP parking fee$ and fine$, esp. among my out-of-town friends & colleagues.

* More downtown store & restaurant closings since the winter.

* “The new normal” — too many people making le$$, spending le$$ in stores, eating out le$$

* “Westchester’s Ridge Hill” in Yonkers — That retail project is comparable to The Westchester mall, down to the pricey parking, but shoppers like to visit what’s new, & it does lots of advertising on regional radio to boot.…/city-sales-tax-receipts-stagna…/



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