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WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. News and Comment by John F. Bailey, October 9, 2014:
On Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s surprise trip to Afghanistan last week, the Gannett Albany Bureau filed a story by Jon Campbell on the Governor’s trip. In the next to last paragraph the story noted and we quote
“The Democrat (Cuomo) denied his trip had anything to do with his political aspirations. Cuomo has often been mentioned as a potential candidate for president or a cabinet position in 2016.”
Odds Bodkins! Forsooth!
Does this mean that Governor Cuomo will leave his beloved New York State if Washington calls, should Hillary Clinton win the 2016 Democratic Presidential nomination and get elected President?
This is an interesting problem.
It means that should Mr. Cuomo with a public duty to serve his country to take a cabinet post, then his Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, if elected, a former member of the House of Representatives, and long time public servant in Buffalo, New York, would ascend to the Governership.
Hochul would be running New York State, while Governor Cuomo would assume a very visible role across the nation, preparing for his possible ascension to the Presidency at the age of 66 in 2025, or should Mrs. Clinton falter, as early as 2021.
Cuomo would have a national stage to prepare America for his “tough love” governing. His “hands on” approach.
However he’d be another of the millions of workers and companies fleeing New York State.
But Mr. Campbell’s story raises the question of how much Governor Cuomo really loves New York, or secretly longs for the seductive ultimate power with a starring role on the Washington political stage. At least he would be able to play golf at Winged Foot if he came to Westchester on a cabinet or do we dare think it, a Presidential visit?
Should we be looking seriously at our Lieutenant Governor candidates. Or, more seriously at Mr. Astorino being the better choice because at least he would stay in New York, while Mr. Cuomo is obviously, if someone is telling people he would consider a cabinet position, perhaps saying, “pick me, Hillary, pick me!”
Holchul is no hackette. She has considerable experience in local government,County Clerk in Erie County(Buffalo) and in the corridors of the Washington capitol as Representative of the 26th Congressional District.
Taking the Acela down to Washington, might be a good thing for Governor Cuomo.
He’d be out of the picture if the Bus Rapid Transit System that is going to solve all traffic problems when the first span of the New New York Bridge opens in 2016 is not in place…
….if the bridge falls behind schedule;
….if the tolls on the Tappan Zee Bridge have to hit double digits;
…if the Cuomo surplus that pays for everything, fails to materialize;
….if the plan to slash Medicaid spending on alcohol, drug abusers, mentally ill and the disabled is pushed through.
…if an overhaul of how medical services are decided for the disabled takes massive heatr\.
Those are just a few of the big issues that the media are not asking the governor about.
He would not be accountable if he were in Washington, as Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of HUD, Secretary of State, Attorney General, possibilities are endless for him if he plays ball with the Clinton Dynasty-Wanna-Be.
We are missing the point. Mr. Cuomo could run for Senator, if Chuck Schumer would retire. Schumer’s current term ends in 2016.
Obviously Schumer would be expected to run again. The darling of Wall Street, Schumer seems untouchable and a fixture. Who keeps New Yorkers riveted to his Sunday morning press conference exposes.
But, maybe not, you never know. New York’s other Senator, Kirsten Gillebrand does not come up for reelection until 2018. Schumer must go let Andrew Cuomo go…”I have served New York these long years, and now it is time for me to turn over the reins to the man who has brought New York Back…Andrew M. Cuomo…”
Can’t you just hear it?
But hold on a minute, another possibility: should Hillary Clinton lose in 2016, Clinton is the obvious choice to run for President in 2020. Running for Senator from New York would position him nicely if Schumer passed the baton.
Is a vote for Mr. Cuomo in Novermber a vote for Kathy Hochul really, with Mr. Cuomo being called to the new Clinton Tomorrow?
The key to being a success is to get out before everything you started bogs down and goes wrong.