What is Going to Happen at the Resumed FASNY Hearings Monday?

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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. September 24, 2014 The following correspondence was sent to the Mayor and White Plains Common Council Members by the writer who has shared it with WPCNR: 

Dear Mayor and Council members,

French American School of New York Application

The next meeting of the White Plains Common Council on the FASNY application will be held on September 29, 2014 at 6:30 PM in the Common Council Chamber, City Hall. The meeting will be broadcast live on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 47.

The public comment portion of the hearings on both the Hathaway Lane closure and Special Permit Application has been closed however, comments in written form will continue to be accepted. Written comments should be forwarded to the City Clerk”

This announcement is now on the city’s website. However, how is the public going to know what will occur at this meeting? Is it a “Special CC meeting”? Is it a “Work Session”? Are those attending able to speak?

What will the format be? What is the goal of this meeting? Who will be attending other than Council members? Your staff, consultants, attorney, FASNY?

Furthermore, will there be more than one such Session devoted to FASNY? Has the deadline for written comments been reached?

How is the Army Corps of Engineers involvement affecting the process?

I have raised several times with you the question – “what is the process?” No answer has been forthcoming.

Now others also have similar questions – such as the “Rhodes Team” :

18. Who on the City Staff is responsible for helping the Common Council coordinate all of the different FASNY submissions, consultant reports and Public Hearing comments?

19. What is the Mayor and Common Council doing with all of our correspondence and transcripts of our presentations? Is someone on the City Staff summarizing them for you?

Can you please enlighten me and others with a personal response?

I believe it is vital that an announcement on the website answer these questions and, at the very least, describe what process will be taking place on Sept 29!

Thank you!

Carry Kyzivat

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