Verizon Fios Service Restored in Saxon Woods Road Area. Squirrel Possible Perpetrater

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WPCNR THE POWER NEWS. Special to WPCNR from Peter Katz. September 22, 1014 8:55 P.M.:
This reporter observed at least six Verizon crews working into the night Monday to restore FIOS telephone, internet and television service to approximately 24 customers in the Saxon Woods Road area of White Plains, where the city’s road reconstruction project is taking place.
It appeared that the outage was not related to the construction but, rather, was due to a squirrel or other animal chewing a hole through the protective case of a piece of equipment hung on cables and eating fiber optic lines inside. The repair crews replaced the damaged equipment and ran new lines as needed to restore service.
Service was out two days and 7 hours.

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