With New Hires, Police Department Still 16 Officers Short of Full Strength. 49 Retirement Eligible Officers Could Retire at any Time.

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WPCNR POLICE GAZETTE. By John F. Bailey. August 10, 2013:

With the hiring of 8 new officers, the White Plains Police Department, remains 16 officersl below their full compliment of men and women, 210, according to James Parlow, Treasurer and Benefits Administrator of the White Plains Police Benevolent Association.

Barlow released the information for the WPPBA on request from WPCNR. He said that the department faces a situation where 49 officers can take retirement if they wish at any time, which would further lower the patrolpower the department can put on the street.

According to a statement issued to WPCNR, by Mr. Parlow, writing on behalf of the WPPBA,

“The eight recent police hires brings the total  number of sworn officers to 194.  Bear in mind that we have one sergeant  retiring next week and another sergeant who should be retired shortly due to a  disability. 

Additionally, we have 49 officers who can retire as of today.  Of  the 38 supervisors (including the two sergeants mentioned above), 30 can  retire as of today.

Our official number, unless City Hall cut it without telling us, is 210. Before it was increased to 210 around 2004, we had 202 officers. So we are clearly not  at maximum staffing.


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