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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. From Chairman of the Board of Legislators, Benjamin Boykin,District 5 July 18, 2019:
Americans throw out billions of tons of EPS coffee cups and other food containers every year.
This material doesn’t biodegrade, so it clogs landfills for decades or more. Once it is used for food, it is difficult to recycle economically. And when it breaks up into smaller pieces, it drifts off into our waterways, where it’s often eaten by marine life mistaking it for food.
Our new law eliminates the sale or use of EPS for takeout food containers and utensils by vendors and restaurants, or sold in stores.
The measure also prohibits the sale of loose-fill EPS packing foam in Westchester. Prepackaged food that arrives sealed in EPS package, packaging for raw eggs, and butcher case packaging are exempted.
With this common-sense, bi-partisan legislation, Westchester will join its neighbors in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, and in New York City, in acting to reduce this troubling source of pollution.
As elected officials, environmental protections are one of the most important things we can do for current and future generations, and I’m proud that this measure to reduce polystyrene waste in our environment is part of this Board’s legacy.
Click on the following link for the text of the bill: http://bit.ly/2JWNe4T