Police Release First Look at Tourneau Robbers–Do you Recognize these Men? Call 422-6200 or 422-6223

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White Plains police released pictures of three men in the act of taking watches from display cases at Tourneau Jewelers in The Westchester Mall  Sunday morning.

The freeze of the video shot has been cropped by WPCNR to show closeups of the perpetrators committing the robbery.

The police are looking for three black males.

Suspect number one (Bottom of photo) is described by Lieutenant Fischer as 5 foot 11, 240 pounds, wearing khaki pants, dark jacket and a baseball cap. The suspect had a scruffy beard,

Suspect Two (middle of photo) does not have a height description, was also wearing dark clothing, a baseball cap and had scruffy facial hair.

Suspect three (top of photo)  is described as 5 foot 7 to 5 foot 8, thin build, scruffy facial hair and a white long sleeve jacket.

The police said previously they are looking for a person at top of photo, dressed in a white sweatshirt and khaki pants, with scruffy facial hair and baseball cap.

 If you recognize or have any information about these men, contact the police at 914-422-6200 or 914-422-6223. Your identifty will be kept confidential.

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