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The Town of Greenburgh participates in a Community Energy Program known as Westchester Power. Everyone is enrolled in the ESCO unless you opt out. Once you opt out you are never enrolled back in unless you ask to re-enroll.
Con Ed rates have continued to be lower than the ESCO this month. If you want to opt out you should e mail westchesterpower@sustainablewestchester.org or call Sustainable Westchester at 914-242-4725 ext 111. If you are having difficulty opting out please e mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com
This electricity supply program is managed by the local nonprofit Sustainable Westchester on behalf of the 29 participating municipalities in Westchester County.
The program empowers the county and its residents to actively work towards a vision for a healthy and sustainable future by supporting renewable energy. Residents benefit from the fixed price program model that provides cost control assurance on their electric supply charges.
Westchester Power Contract – July 2024 Rate Comparison
The Westchester Power program offers two supply options for 100% Renewable and Standard. These rates are fixed until 10/31/2024. The rates are going down after October.
As of November 1 Greenburgh is participating in a 50% renewable energy option. The monthly rate will be 12.18 cent /kWh from November 1, 2024 through November, 2025. Con Ed rates change each month. The ESCO rates can’t change.
July 2024 Residential Rates
Average Con Edison 11.50 cent kWh
Standard Rate 13.685 cents kWH
WP 100% Renewable 15.449 cent kWh
Below is an approximate electricity cost comparison for a hypothetical Greenburgh
resident in July who consumed 500 kWh of electricity for the month. For information on
how to find the cost comparison for your electricity usage, click here.
– For a Greenburgh resident on the ConEd supply, that customer would have been
charged roughly $57.50 for their electricity supply
– For customers enrolled in Westchester Power under the 100% Renewable fixed
rate, the charge would have been roughly $77.24
– All Westchester Power Standard user’s charge would have been $68.42
Westchester Power is the cornerstone of regional climate action
In 2023 alone, program participants Greenburgh residents, in particular, have mitigated approximately 24,900 metric tons of carbondioxide, equivalent to 5,900 gas-powered cars off the road for a year.
Westchester Power Program Benefits
1. Fixed Rates provide a price cap and insurance against volatile energy market spikes, unlike variable monthly utility rates
2. 100% Renewable Energy at rates competitive to other comparable ESCO products
3. Without Westchester Power, consumer choices are limited to the utility (primarily fossil-fuel-based energy at variable rates), or an ESCO, which can be difficult to navigate and engage in predatory practices.
To learn more about the program, visit sustainablewestchester.org/wp/conedterritory
Greenburgh Town Supervisor