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WPCNR, courtesy of  the White Plains League of Women Voters presents the 8 candidates running for three seats on the Board Of Education in the School Board Budget and Elections May 21. They will be appearing at the Candidates Form at 7 PM  for the Forum, to be held May 9  in the  White Plains High School Library. The Forum will be zoomed and retelecast on FIOS Channel 46 and Optimum Channel 77. The information is published as received from the League and there may be some errors in fonts. Addresses and contact information excluded for privacy. 

Information Sheet for Board of Education Candidates


Name:                         Ferenc Tasnady


Education:      SUNY Oneonta, class of ’99. Econ/Business double major

Profession:      Technology Sales



  1. Do you currently have children in the White Plains Schools or have you had children in the schools in the past?

I have 3 children and all attend WP Schools. My oldest daughter is a freshman and basketball/volleyball player in WP High. My younger daughter attends the Highlands and plays basketball and lacrosse. My youngest (son) is a 1st grader at Ridgeway and he’s in the chess club.

  1. There are many ways individuals can serve the community. Why have you chosen to run for the school board?

I will be a voice and true representative for the people of White Plains – students, taxpayers, and teachers. I’d also like to see more transparency in the way decisions are made. If elected I would be a true public servant, expressing and fighting for the will of the people and doing my best to enact policies that support it.

  1. What particular skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member? In what school or district activities have you been involved?

As a sales executive I’m essentially a professional communicator. In managing complex transactions I work closely with different constituencies within large organizations. They typically  have competing goals and interests and I have to navigate them to produce an outcome everyone is happy with. I have limited school experience although I have coached youth sports and teach jiu jitsu.

  1. What do you think is the most important role of a school board member?

The primary role of school is to educate and enrich the lives of our students. The board needs to ensure this is the focus of the administration and ecosystem around our schools. We need to make the best possible use of the finite resources we have to produce the best outcomes for the kids.

  1. What are 2-3 strengths of which the White Plains Public Schools can be proud?

We have excellent extracurricular programs and activities for those who choose to participate. We also have great resources for those with special needs. We also have great programs for our gifted students.

  1. What are the White Plains Schools’ greatest challenges?

These are challenging times and the school system (budgets in particular) are under a lot of stress. I anticipate more strain in the coming years and allocating resources properly will become more difficult and contentious. Additionally our high school is ranked as the 326th best school in NY, tied for 491st place in graduation rate. This needs to be improved. This data is from US News and World Report.


  1. At the end of your term on the School Board, what would you hope to have been the
    accomplishment you are most proud of!

I would want my constituents to say that their voice was heard during my tenure. Additionally, and more importantly I’d hope they’d say they were more informed and aware of what was going on within our schools while I was serving.

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