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WPCNR CORONA VIRUS MONITOR. From the NEW YORK COVIDTRACKER. Observations by John F. Bailey. December 31, 2021:
The Covid Tracker (reporting Tuesday, December 29 covid cases) in Westchester recorded the third straight day of covid positives well over 3,000 new cases: 3,602. It was the third consecutive rise in Westchester covids rising steadily over 3,000 cases.
Since Sunday the day Westchester reported 3, 108 new cases for the first time ever, Monday has seen 3,408, and Tuesday, 3,602. At this steady rising rate, Westchester may see 20,000 new cases of covid by Sunday.
Nassau and Suffolk counties sustained their steady rise in covid for the fifth straight day to total 13,893 new person with covid Tuesday twice the number of cases in all 7 counties in the Mid-Hudson region. Nassau: 7,346. Suffolk County: 6,547.
The Washington Post reported though the Omicron variant given the reason for the record cases nationwide, was that the outbreak should only last two weeks and rapidly fade. Additionally the Washington Post reported that vaccinated victims are not getting as seriously sick. This optimistic view of the record spread of the Omicron variant is based on the reports of how the Omicron variant has performed in South Africa.
WPCNR notes that hospitalizations the last week in Westchester County have been running at 50% of new cases first infected two weeks ago, resulting in 125 hospitalizations reported last Friday. Howver, the latest Westchester County information as of Tuesday, according to County Execution George Latimer, 2 of every 3 of those hospitalized are not vaccinated.
Westchester Countuy reported 8,475 new positives Tuesday among 38,531 tested, a 22.8% Infection rate in one day of testing. Orange and Rockland Counties grew about a 100 new positives a day Tuesday. Totals for the last two days of 2021, including today should be available Sunday.
The 7 Counties in the Mid-Hudson region and Nassau and Suffolk combined for 32,368 new positive covid cases compared to New York City (all 5 boroughs) new cases of 43,135.