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NO FORUM FOR COUNTY EXECUTIVE SPECIAL ELECTION. Republican Candidate Declines to Participate
The League of Women Voters of Westchester announces that a proposed Candidates Forum for Westchester County Executive will not be held for the Special Election on February 11, 2025.
Republican Candidate Christine Sculti has declined the League’s invitation to participate in the proposed February 3, 2025 virtual forum. However, Democratic candidate Ken Jenkins has accepted the League’s forum invitation.
A candidates’ meeting with only one candidate present is an open or empty chair meeting, and is not permitted under League rules and its policy of nonpartisanship. The League regrets that this important educational event for voters has to be cancelled.
“This is a lost opportunity for the public to hear directly from candidates during a virtual event or post-event recording and to address their own questions to them through electronic submission,” stated Westchester County League President Kathy Meany.
“We strive to run forums in a respectful, non-partisan environment that encourages civil discourse and allows candidates to address voters’ inquiries and concerns. It is a disappointment that there will be no such opportunity for voters residing in Westchester County to learn more about the candidates running for County Executive in this Special Election.”