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November 29, 2024

Celebrating Local History

In 2026, we will celebrate the 250th anniversary of American independence. In partnership with Revolutionary Westchester 250,
White Plains Library’s very own Digital Media Specialist Austin Olney has been hosting immersive virtual reality programs in the
Library’s panoramic video room, known as “the Igloo,”  bringing the region’s revolutionary history to life.
In addition to these engaging sessions, Austin recently collaborated with Revolutionary Westchester to celebrate the Revolution
on the Hudson event at Croton Point Park on November 9th. He documented this exciting event in a special YouTube video,
capturing the spirit and significance of the area’s revolutionary history. Check out the video on the Library’s YouTube channel to see
highlights from the celebration, and don’t miss upcoming Igloo programs at the Library that explore Westchester’s
pivotal role in the American Revolution!

Laura Eckley
Library Director


The Library is committed to ensuring accessibility for
persons with disabilities.
We appreciate support from the White Plains Library Foundation for many of our programs.

Events funded by the Foundation are noted with an ✳.

The Library will be closed Thursday, November 28 for Thanksgiving.
English Conversation Group
Saturday, November 30
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Rotary Room

Adults who speak English as a second language have the chance to converse with each other in a fun, supportive environment! Beginning and intermediate ESL students are welcome.
Do Gooders
Monday, December 2
3:30pm – 4:45pm
Edge Media Lab

Teens in grades 7-12 can earn community service hours by attending Do Gooders meetings. We work on projects to benefit the library or other local organizations and plan future After Hours events.
Tech Tuesday for Youth
Tuesday, December 3
4:30pm – 5:15pm
Edge Media Lab

Each week, youth participants (grades 4-12) will have technology-related fun. Led by Digital Media Specialist Austin Olney. Equipment provided, all encouraged!
Storybook Dancing with
Steffi Nossen
Wednesday, December 4
11:00am – 11:45am

Steffi Nossen School of Dance presents Storybook Dancing, a fun, movement-filled program for children age 1-6.
Spanish Conversation
Wednesday, December 4
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Classroom 2

Practice your Spanish with award-winning stories and poems. We will read excerpts from these works and then we will discuss them and thus expand your Spanish vocabulary and learn about the culture.
Saturday Cinema:
A Fun Family Film
Saturday, November 30
2:00pm – 4:00pm

Bring your family to the library for a screening of The Good Dinosaur. Please refrain from bringing in outside food and beverages.
✳Future is Female:
Book Discussion Group
Monday, December 2
2:00pm – 3:00pm

Ellen O’Connell, White Plains resident and retired English teacher, will moderate a discussion of the novel The Secret Chord, by Geraldine Brooks (2015).
Poetry Slam & Open Mic
Wednesday, December 4
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Join our monthly virtual Poetry Slam! New performers must email Tim with a short bio. Click here for the Zoom link. Teens and adults are welcome.
Lunchtime Meditation
Wednesday, December 4
12:00pm – 12:45pm

Instructor Seth Segall will lead attendees in peaceful meditation. Click here for the Zoom information to join.
Make Your Own Snow!
Wednesday, December 4
3:30pm – 5:00pm
The Castle

Whether or not the weather outside is frightful, come to the library for a delightful sensory craft! Make and play with your own snow that you can take home!
Bilingual Family Night:
El hombre de pan de jengibre
Wednesday, December 4
7:00pm – 8:00pm

Bring your whole family to listen to a bilingual story, sing bilingual songs and make a craft. This program will be in ENGLISH & SPANISH.

Did you know that you can get free, full-access to the NY Times with your White Plains Library card? Find out how to get access here.

Photo of the Week


Above: Battle of White Plains reenactment
Submitted by: Caitlin K

Send us your photos! In each issue of This Week on Martine, we feature one patron submitted photo that was taken in White Plains. To submit your photography for a chance to be featured, visit our submission page, upload a photo, and fill out our form with a short description of the photo and your name.

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Copyright © 2024  White Plains Public Library, All rights reserved.

Julia Rae Hodenfield – Editor – jrhodenfield@whiteplainslibrary.org

Our mailing address is
White Plains Public Library
100 Martine Avenue
White Plains, NY 10601

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