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WPCNR NEWS & COMMENT. By John F. Bailey.  August 10, 2024:

Remember when President George W. Bush “flew over” Texas and New Orleans surveying damage from Hurricane Katrina to the Gulf Coast, but not landing?

I do.

It was 19 years ago this month, August 31,2005.

He was criticized unmercifully for that and the message of the President showing his presence FROM ABOVE in the flooded areas and those without electricity and homes and the absence of FEMA response. That resulted in a backlash against Republicans.

The torrential rains of  Tropical Storm Debbie inundated states with 13 to 15 inches of rain and now cresting rivers are making the multiple problems worse.

The administration in Washington has not to my knowledge sent anybody to the states to say “we’ll make you whole again. We’ve got your back. We’ll send Seabees, military construction to  open your buckled in roads and help is on the way.” (Don’t they watch The Weather Channel? They could have gone in with the brave reporters unswe Debbie wet torrents)

Kamala Harris Democratic Nominee for President and Vice President nominee Governor Tim Waltz should visit the areas now.

Before Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance do.

Trump is going to start talking about the Democratic Party again showing disrespect for the South and that only he and Vance can save America from the disasters of climate change, and fix the south fast,  he may even say he will stop the storms.

Mr. Trump or Mr. Vance is probably going to repel by Blackhawk chopper  into each state to make a personal inspection and announce his “MAKING THE SOUTH GREAT AGAIN” program with business, homes, road rebuilding in the first 6 months of his administration, “from Day One.”

The clueless people managing the Democratic Party should have television spots running now telling how they are the Party that saves Americans, helps them, spends to get the economy moving, stopped the covid epidemic and we are going to rebuild you as we did in the depression, saved you as we did in World II…got America moving with the GI Bill, improved education  and now we are coming to the South’s rescue.

As announced this week President Biden is taking tours to European leaders to solidify America commitment to Europe security.


No one in the southern part of the country devastated by flooding for a week cares about preserving anything in Europe. Biden may have these priorities right but he has 6 months to deal with Europe. He could do it on ZOOM.

The southern states in chaos are proud and want to show they can help themselves. But they need immediate help. MEN WOMEN MANAGERS MACHINES AND MONEY they do not have.

Where is the FEMA to house, the military that builds bases, the swift help that is needed now today?

The Trump campaign is going to start throwing salvos of scathing embarrassing charges at the Democrats in control in Washington by —“They don’t Care. They aren’t there. When I get reelected I will announce instant help on Day 1”

Where is the Democratic administration response to this now.


Not even to my knowledge a phone call from Harris or Walz or Biden for that matter

As soon as the Trump campaign starts talking about Southern neglect by the Democrats the bounce from the start of Ms. Harris’ campaign  is going to disappear.

Where are those spots? Where is the Democrat campaign?

Kammala Harris and Tim Walz have to go to those staffs be seen with the governors and Mayors assess their needs and get action going mobilizing America to help.

That’s what American government does it helps when no one else can.


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