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WPCNR NEWS & COMMENT. By John F. Bailey.  June 29, 2024:

He saved America once.

We need him to save us once again.

Will we turn to him?

When we need him more than America as ever needed a hero against the odds?

The toughest most intelligent politician of our age

He is Andrew Cuomo.

Americans believed him.

I believed him.

He did not deliver rhetoric in the covid epidemic.

He was tough.

He demanded things that no one liked.

He was on the air everyday telling us the facts of what was happening.

He got people to believe in staying home, something his enemies and thousands of leaders did not want.

He stuck by his reason, his instincts.

His solutions worked.

They got results.

It is so rare politicians get results.

Andrew Cuomo got them he stopped covid spread in 6 months

He stepped in where politicians feared to tread, afraid of public criticism.

He saved millions of New Yorkers and across the nation with his actions.

He was second-guessed and gaslighted by irresponsible caregivers who spread the disease by ignoring his policies.

He was hated by New York Democrats for his power and intelligence when they showed none.

As with  any  enemy of the people (Henrik Ibsen’s  play  about a scientist who exposed water problems and was dubbed Enemy of the People” who was vilified by authorities).

By  putting his instincts and willingness to lead when someone had to lead (and it was not the President of the country at that time who lead, it was not the CDC, it was not the politicians who never visited the morgues.

It was  Andrew Cuomo who gave  his political career away , did unpopular things, the lockdowns.

He went on television across the country with his team gave scientists time to get us a vaccine to stop covid spread by stopping the spread at the time there was no vaccine.

The nation listened to him.

Watched him.

In tight, powerful daily half hour to 45 minute bulletins fact-heavy packed with easy-to-understand graphics, experts talked reality on the ground, explained to a panicked state and America at large how to hold down the deadly covid virus at bay and how not to get it.

He did that.

He did the single biggest national public service rescue with the force of his personality and Melissa De Rosa, his heroine Secretary to the Governor and his Health Commissioner since FDR.

Americans never missed a briefing of his.

I didn’t.

He is easily the best leader I have ever seen in this state SINCE GOVERNOR PATAKI

We need Mr. Cuomo again.


Will he come back to fight the new covid virus of darkness, “The Trumpid Variant”?

The Trumpid Variant of covid is infecting Americans’ minds with hate, oppression of the innocent, “Herods to be,”  symptoms being  suppression of  freedom infecting our citizens with Trumpid Variant  behaviors infecting Americans with nationalistic world-threatening folly and false sense of  reality, and inability to see the policies of the Trumpid Variant are threatening the greatest country in the world survival.

As with any  “enemy of the people”, Andrew Cuomo paid for his heroic covid-stopping policies politically. He was framed by his own party with charges of sexual harassment by his own attorney general, they took away his emergency powers.  They trumped up sexual harassment charges. He was forced to resign. He was kangarooed out of Albany.

Since then, the same legislature continues their lack of leadership in this state to deal with the state’s problems, fight the new Governor Kathy Hochul’s solutions.

To this date no court case has found Mr. Cuomo guilty of anything. His accusers have not followed through.

But he is available now when the country needs him more than they have ever needed someone  smart, tough, and rational before.

Now he, in my opinion is the only hope if the Democratic Party hopes to stop the virus of darkness: The Trumpid Variant,” infecting Americans believing in things I never thought I’d see my countrymen and women support.

The tragic performance of President Joe Biden in the mockery of the debate Thursday night is reminiscent of the aged German Chancellor in 1933, when the fickle Reichstag with a collaboration of conspiring members angled to have Hitler appointed with Hitler agreeing to appoint them chancellor and aids. Hitler got rid of them after he was made chancellor.

Von Hindenberg washed his hands and resigned. Hitler was appointed. The conspirators not appointed and Hitler took over. The book Takeover chronicles this explicitly.

There is no one the democratic party can replace Biden with, should Mr. Biden resign, who has the national following Andrew Cuomo did and does.

He is not a New Yorker, he’s the last American Hero. He guided us through covid across the nation straight through to morning in America in 2022,

Andrew Cuomo, our nation turns its worried eyes to you.

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