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- WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. From Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner. April 5, 2023:
On the 5th of each month the town of Greenburgh posts comparisons on the Greenburgh website – Con Ed rates vs Sustainable Westchester rates. Residents of 29 municipalities in Westchester- including Greenburgh -have enrolled in the ESCO. Residents are automatically enrolled unless they opt out. Sustainable Westchester rates can’t go up or down until October 2024. Con Ed rates can fluctuate. Sustainable Westchester purchases green power (solar, wind)–that is good for the environment.
In recent months Con Ed rates have been lower than the ESCO rates. In March the average Con Ed standard rates was 8.01 cents per kWh. The rates for Sustainable Westchester’s Westchester Power ESCO was 15.13 cents per kWh. Sustainable Westchester also offers residents in the 29 municipalities a non green option which was 13.36 per kWh.
Sustainable Westchester has agreed to send a letter to residents in each of the 29 municipalities advising them that Con Ed rates are currently lower than the ESCOs and providing ratepayers with information as to how to opt out if they wish to. People can opt in or out anytime. The letter from Sustainable Westchester should be sent out next week.
This is what I posted on the town website (click link). The information was provided by Sustainable Westchester
Greenburgh Town Supervisor