Stop the Clock on 16 New 5G Wireless Cell Transmitters in White Plains on Docket Tues Night

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(Editor’s Note: the applications referred to in the following letter are not on the published agenda for Tuesday evening’s Common Council at the present time as published on the city website. From time to time items are sometimes added at the start of the evening meeting.)

Forgive me for imposing on your holiday weekend, but with an extremely critical Common Council meeting tomorrow, Tuesday (July 5), this message cannot be delayed.  

As most of you know, several new applications for wireless cell antennas have come into the City of White Plains. The radiation exposures from these antennas, which are essentially mini-cell towers, are destined to cause significant health effects in the surrounding communities. This is not hearsay or scaremongering. It is fact… backed up by at least 11,000 non-industry funded, peer-reviewed scientific studies documented at the NIH’s National Library of Science. 

There are 16 proposed new antenna sites. Originally 25 were posted (9 in error) by the Dept of Public Works. 

16 is 16 too many! Here are the locations which are on 60-day “shot clocks,” i.e., if we don’t stop the clock immediately, the application will automatically be approved:

89 West Post Road

8 Dekalb Avenue

110-118 South Lexington Avenue

14 Cromwell Place

Unidentified # Bloomingdale Road

150 West Post Road

70 Westchester Avenue

5 Rathbun Avenue

173-183 Westchester Avenue

350 Main Street

265-279 Hamilton Avenue

114 Bloomingdale Road

198 Central Avenue

59 Court Street

15-29 Hamilton Avenue

646 Mamaroneck Avenue

These sites are primarily in industrial/commercial areas (nearby many rental buildings, incidentally). But make no mistake… this is just a prelude to the next influx which will undoubtedly spread the towers farther into residential areas. 


Why this is happening:

Sadly, the 2.3 trillion dollar telecom industry is using its wealth and power to pay the salaries of 500 Congressional lobbyists and buy out the FCC, the agency tasked with protecting the public (see attached “HARVARD_FCC” pdf).

5GAlert Westchester is one of more than 150 grassroots groups nationally fighting for safe technology. Until we are victorious, which we will be, the only way to limit 5G close-proximity antennas is through the passage of a protective municipal Telecom Ordinance. That means it’s in the hands of our City government! 

What we are doing now to hold back the 16 new installations:

We are urging the White Plains Commissioner of Public Works to “stop the clock.” This can be done and must be done when applications are deemed to be incomplete or deficient. To understand the breadth of this effort, see attached letter to Commissioner Mignone. After reading the letter, call or email your demand that the clock be stopped on Verizon cell antenna applications. Contact information below.

Commissioner Stefania Mignone: Ph: 914-422-1210 /

Mayor Thomas Roach: Ph: 914-422-1411  /
Honorable Justin Brasch
 (President) Ph: 212-267-2500 /
Honorable Nadine Hunt-Robinson Ph: 914-315-7311 /
Honorable John M. Martin 
Ph: 914-686-0239
Honorable Richard Payne Ph: 914-490-3162 /
Honorable Victoria Presser
 Ph: 914-946-5608 /

Honorable Jennifer Puja 
Ph: 914-607-2041 /

What we’re doing to keep future antennas away from homes:

After two years of pressing and urging, we now have a majority of the Common Council willing and ready to add vital protections to the current weak White Plains Telecom Ordinance.

Only problem: it’s not at all clear that the Mayor and his lead attorney, John Callahan, will draft the legislation for our elected officials to vote on. So keep your calls and emails flying. Tell them you refuse to be radiated in your own home! 

Just as ordinary citizen Candy Lightner was compelled to found the organization MADD after her daughter was killed by a drunk driver – I, too, have been compelled by a life-changing wireless injury to warn you… THIS IS REAL… we must do whatever we can to stop the insanity of allowing the installation of cell towers in our front yards. Btw,5G will not improve your cell signal.

We have 1,000+ Petitioners. The more we have, the louder our voices. Please immediately call 5 White Plains friends and ask them if you can add their name to the PETITION. (Use the link). 

Thank you for all of us, 

Ruth Moss 5GAlert Westchester

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