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WPCNR THE POWER STORY. Special to WPCNR from Town of Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner. JUNE 10, 5:30 p.m. EDT:
During the past few years Greenburgh and 28 other local governments have participated in Sustainable Westchester’s ESCO. Sustainable Westchester has decided to pause their ESCO due to the volatile energy market. For the time being those residents enrolled in the ESCO will be receiving service from Con Ed.
The following was prepared by Sustainable Westchester explaining their decision to put the ESCO on hold.
What is the Westchester Power Community Energy Program?
This program is a state-approved model that puts the control over energy choices in the hands of local communities. Launched in 2016, this municipally vetted and selected program is the default electricity SUPPLY option for utility customers in 29 participating Westchester communities– serving ~140,000 residents/small businesses. Electing for 100% Renewable energy at scale has helped Westchester participants mitigate over 1.1 million metric tons of CO2 emissions to date (the equivalent of 290,000 cars taken off the road for 1 year!).
Update: The Program will be entering a Pause in the Con Edison Territory
Sustainable Westchester has been working to secure a new electricity supply contract, to follow on after the June 30th end date of this current contract. While Sustainable Westchester continues to push forward with efforts to deliver the best economic value for participating residents and small businesses in this volatile energy market, we have decided that a pause in the electricity supply program in Con Edison territory is the best option as we watch the energy market.
All current participants will be switched from the Westchester Power supply to Con Edison’s default supply starting on their 1st meter read after June 30. This means the billing cycle that starts after June 30. There will be no interruption in your electricity service.
Affected participants will receive a notification letter in the mail from Sustainable Westchester in the coming days, with details about the electricity supply service pause.
They will also receive a transfer notice from ConEdison indicating that they are receiving the standard electricity supply which is at a variable rate.
There is no action needed from residents to remain in the program when the program restarts. When we have the official re-start date in place, during the month prior, participants will receive a re-enrollment letter with confirmation of their energy supply choice and the new rate. They will also receive instructions on how to change the energy supply option or opt-out of the program before the new rates are in effect.
Residents can pursue their own energy supply if they prefer. However, if a resident elects to sign an agreement with a private Energy Supply Company (ESCO) during the pause period, they will no longer be eligible for Westchester Power and will not be automatically re-enrolled into the program when it restarts.