WHITE PLAINS SAVES! SAVES $29 MILLION in 3 Years Relining Sewers with Vinyl Instead of Replacing Pipes

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Relining Saves Time, Saves Money Fixes Sewers Efficiently. Green Mountain cooking and installing vinyl liners on Havilands Lane, White Plains New York USA

WPCNR FOLLOWUPPER. December 1, 2021.

When Green Mountain completed relining Havilands Lane with expanding vinyl lining, (the white material shown in the above photo), with absoultely minimal time (1 DAY) and ABSOLUTELY no inconvenience to the neighborhood, I figured it had to be saving millions of dollars.

I called the Mayor’s Office asking Karen Pasquali, Senior Advisor to Mayor Roach, to find out, in addition to consideration of residents and minimal inconvenience to neighborhoods and time saving, how much relining with vinyl saves the city.

Ms. Pasquali issued this statement:

“This info is from DPW in response to your message:Sewer lining costs about $75 per linear foot vs. about $665 per linear foot to replace the pipe.Over the last 3 years we’ve done about 50,000 linear feet.So since we lined instead of replacing, we saved approximately $29,500,000.”

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