DEC: Good Counsel Landfill No Danger to Residents. 52 North Broadway Developer Bows to Neighborhood/City Concerns. Cuts Height of Proposed Buildings in former Good Counsel Property. Includes Workforce Housing, Assisted Living and Town Houses to curtail “scale” of project

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New 52 North Broadway Plan. Blue indicates 5-story multi-family building. Purple color indicates Workforce Rental Housing; Yellow indicates location of Assisted Living Facility; Orange color represents town houses


At Common Council Work Session Monday evening, WP Development NB LLC owners of the 52 North Broadway (the former Good Counsel property) announced the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has according to the White Plains City Consultants stated the controversial landfill on the property posed no threat to residents based on DEC rulings on the landfill conditions.

52 North Broadway spokesman explains the DEC “Green Light”

This finding clears the way for further consideration of the development by the Common Council of a zoning change for mixed use of the property reducing the scope of the original proposal, presented by WP Development NB Development Monday.

WPCNR notes that should the Common Council of White Plains eventually approve the new proposed site plan and any subsequent variations, the final Council- approved site plan would be subject to final review by the DEC.

Slide showing reduction of impact of new proposal.
The New Plan explained

The developer’s new plan significantly lowers the heights of the proposed buildings; extends the bucolic ambiance of the property fronting North Broadway; introduces 28 town houses split between the Ross Street southern border of the property and the northern border of the property; lowers the heights of what will now be workforce housing at the rear of the property;proposes an assisted living facility on the southeast section of the property, site of the previously controversial landfill

Traffic flow has been rerouted to be primarily circular through the properly eliminating entrances from Ross Street.

The proposal will now go to the Common Council for further consideration.

Councilman Justin Brash suggested that though capacities of the proposed buildings and heights were lowered there would still be almost the same number of residents in habiting the new design as the original plan proposed.

Spokesperson for the developer, William Null, noted that assisted living units were not counted the same in resident impact in state calculations.

Council President Nadine Hunt-Robinson cautioned that though the major residential component was workforce housing, She said that the city regulation of 50% affordable housing for any new residential rental development should be a consideration.


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