Man Struck and Killed on Route 119 in Greenburgh. Latest in Series of Pedestrian Accidents. Town Supervisor Paul Feiner Calls for Action.

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Cap and clothing of man killed by a motorist who apparently struck the victim, killing him approximately 12 noon on Friday. The victim has not been officially identified. The driver of the vehicle has not been identified. The death is the latest in a string of pedestrian accidents on Route 119 at various locations in the last year, according to News 12. The location was just past City Limits Restaurant at Aqueduct Road.


Thursday there was a pedestrian accident on Central Ave. Friday, there was another pedestrian accident involving a motor vehicle on Tarrytown Road (This is the 8th pedestrian accident in recent months in the town of Greenburgh.  These accidents are sad

The Greenburgh Town Board, Police, planning and Public Works department are giving traffic safety significant attention. At next Tuesday’s Town Board work session we will devote time to address some safety concerns.

Chuck Conroy who is Highway Safety Program manager of the Governor’s Traffic Safety will meet with the Town Board and discuss ways the state can be helpful to the town. Among initiatives: more pedestrian, motorist safety education.  Many of these accidents were not caused by sidewalks or crosswalks.

Status update: effort to get traffic light on Central Ave near Lawton (Sacred Heart Church)—site of a pedestrian accident this summer involving 2 pedestrians

Next steps: Fort Hill sidewalk, crossalk enhancements and other safety initiative–

Education initiatives being organized by police

Digital speed signs –requesting purchase and placement around town

Seeking state legislation to allow speed camera’s

Traffic Safety Advisory Committee

Prioritization of sidewalks to be built by the town—Commissioners of Public Works and Planning are working on a priority list which should be released to the Town Board in March.

We are all very upset by what is happening. We are not alone –other communities are also experiencing pedestrian related accidents.

Our Town Board work session starts at 4:30 PM on Tuesday. The meeting will be televised on public access TV and streamed live (and archived) on the town website:

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