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WPCNR IMMIGRATION NEWS & COMMENT. From the Service Employees International Union 32BJ:
The following statement may be attributed to Kyle Bragg, President 32BJ SEIU:
“The Trump administration’s attempt to severely limit asylum protection must not and will not stand. Already, legal experts have labelled the restriction blatantly illegal, defying the word and the spirit of U.S. asylum law.
To keep alight the truth-telling of our departed union president Hector Figueroa, we must also call the new asylum rule blatantly racist — a policy extension of the white supremacist hatred expressed in the President’s tweets calling on four U.S. Congresswomen to “go back” to their countries.
As one of the largest majority-immigrant unions in the nation, we will vigorously oppose this attempt to effectively end political asylum for Central Americans, and we will continue to fight for a return to a nation ruled by compassion, inclusion, and justice for all.”