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Pitchers and Catchers Report for Spring Training February 14.
WPCNR VIEW FROM THE UPPER DECK By “Bull” Allen. January 6, 2019:
Editor’s Note: As the sun came out late this morning in White Plains New York, USA, and the damp wet cold weather of early January, and the endless stream of football wraps up, and the shutdown continues, I was reminded by my calendar that 106 years ago, Charlie Ebbets began to build Ebbets Field in Brooklyn—the world’s best ballpark for his then Brooklyn Superbas.

Now Ebbets Field is just a memory, but back in 1913, it was a sign of hope in Brooklyn, USA.
It was a day of hope then and this lead to the thought that, hey, this is January 6—it is just 6 weeks until major league baseball teams report for spring training.
So I got in touch with Baseball’s Babbling Brook, “Bull” Allen who is hanging out in Florida awaiting the big league clubs with his buddy, Phil The Scooter and The Old Redhead at another ballpark of memory where the Bronx Bombers used to train. Come in, Bull”
“Hello there everybody, this is Bull Allen greeting you in beautiful sunny St. Petersburg Florida, Al Lang Field from the gondola overhanging the empty stands of beautiful Al Lang Field.
This is just a reminder that those of you across the nation that pitchers and catchers will report to spring training camps this year in just six weeks.
Help is on the way! Baseball is on the way, and it cannot come soon enough!
It happens every spring, and they made a movie about it. It’s baseball that’s fun, because the games don’t mean anything except to the players.
They are in competition with one another, and it makes for great involvement by the fans.
As I look out at the empty stands now and feel the warm breeze off Tampa Bay soon to be the home of foul blasts down the leftfield foul line, I’m looking forward to our first broadcasts back to you folks up in Newww Yawk.
The fans love these exhibition games down here. The youngsters love watching players so close they can talk to them and dream of what a great season it’s going to be.
You know I can hardly wait.
The crack of the bats lining hanging curve balls from nervous rookie pitchers sending towering drives out to the plain green fence in left; the fine running catch by the new outfielder brought in a trade; the first appearance by the veteran starter trying to prove he has at least 20 solid starts left in his aging arm; who will be the new Yankee shortstop.
Every team up yonder in the north has the same questions about their beloved ball club.
I will miss the Met-Yankee spring training exhibitions (they do not play each other this spring). I wonder whether the Mets have tightened up their porous infield and added speed and savvy to their outfield.
Of course we’ll be seeing clubs we do not see too often during the regular season, Phillies, Pirates, Braves, the Cardinals and the Nationals.
The home opener is the earliest it has ever been March 27 at the Stadium with the Baltimore Orioles. The Yankees play a lot of home games in April. Why does baseball schedule games in the northeast in April it is crazy. (We all know last spring was fraught with rainouts, snowouts, and low attendance).

But spring training is coming up. Just 6 weeks folks. And Sterling and Waldman will be on the Yanks Radio Network just filling us in on the spring training chatter as the lazy spring training radio broadcasts fill us with the hope of spring and the greatest season—the baseball season.
It happens every spring.