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WPCNR THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE ROUNDUP. From The Westchester County Department of Communications. May 9, 2018″
Latimer Convenes Shared Services Panel, Today 3 PM
Westchester County Executive George Latimer will be convening a meeting of the Westchester County Shared Services Panel, which is comprised of the chief elected officials from each municipality.
At the meeting discussing shared services will also be various County Departments and Offices, members of the County Board of Legislators, and representatives from school districts, school boards and BOCES.
The aim of the meeting is to work together towards suibmitting a revised County-wide shared services plan. (Editor’s Note: a similar effort held by the previous County Executive reached no significant consolidation achievenments.)
County-Wide Shared Services Panel
May 9, 2018
Little Theater
Westchester County Center
White Plains, New York
Westchester County Executive George Latimer announced plans for the development of 74 units of affordable senior rental housing – housing yesterday
The WestHELP site, a six-acre parcel located off Knollwood Road adjacent to the campus of Westchester Community College, has been subject to years of political wrangling and discussions among the County, the Town of Greenburgh, Valhalla School District and community stakeholders. Discussions revolved around the need for safe, affordable housing while also ensuring that the School District the project resides in did not fall victim to overcrowding.
The lease submitted last October was for only 54 units, the Latimer administration has now come to an agreement with the Town of Greenburgh, the surrounding neighborhood and School District for an expanded 74 units.
The plans call for the developer, Marathon Development Group, to pay $1.5M – $900K to County and $600K to town, on behalf of County, in exchange for town relinquishing all rights to site.
The new development will serve a wide mix of income levels, including 40% to 60% of Area Median Income as well as 80% to 90% of Area Median Income. Market analysts note the mix of units will broaden the property’s appeal to the senior community.
Latimer said: “We have to get away from the era of the individual politician who is the leader that ‘has’ all the vision – the vision is we. It’s when we discuss, and collegially work through things, that we are finding the best way to make decisions. Issues with the WestHELP site were resolved because we were able to work across lines and not try to be secretive. There was a combination of things that made this happen, and if we’re going to do anything good it has to come out of that combination.”
Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner said: “Members of the Greenburgh Town Board and I are very excited about the plans to build affordable senior citizen housing at the former WestHELP homeless shelter. There is a need for senior housing, and this initiative will provide an enhanced quality of life to many senior citizens.
I also want to thank the County Executive for the way his administration handled this proposal. The County Executive practiced what he promised – the County was a good neighbor. The County Executive encouraged the Town and the developer to reach out to the community and School District – which we did. We explained what was being proposed and the community agreed to support the senior housing. This is exactly what needs to be done.”
County to Launch Non-Profit Local Development Corporation Tour In June
Highlighting that non-profits in Westchester County play a vital role in our economy, and that they are the underpinning in our County’s culture and spirit of giving back County Executive George Latimer announced the LDC Non-Profit Tour Tuesday.
The Westchester County Local Development Corporation, or LDC, is a private, non-profit corporation created to promote economic development in our County. The LDC provides benefits only to non-profit organizations.
The Tour will include meetings with non-profits across the County to talk to them about the benefits the LDC offers and ways the LDC can help. The first meeting is set for June.
Latimer said: “We treat non-profit organizations with the same appreciation and professionalism that we treat for profit corporations.
Along with the Tour the County will also be unveiling a new LDC logo.
Deputy Director of Economic Development Bridget Gibbons said: “We are going to be building better relationships with non-profits in this County. Our meetings with each non-profit will take place on their turf where we will provide one –on –one guidance and talk to them about their specific projects and ideas.”
Created in 2013, the LDC provided non-profits access to millions of dollars in low-cost tax-exempt bonds to finance acquisitions, construction, reconstruction, equipping and/or furnishing of facilities, or to refinance existing debt at a lower interest rate.
From 2013-2017, the LDC provides nearly $871 million in low cost, tax-exempt financing for hospitals, educational institutions, nursing homes and social service agencies. During this time the LDC projects created more than 1,600 permanent and construction jobs.