New York State Budget Director Condemns County Executive for Banning Paying 2018 Taxes Before End of 2017

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WPCNR QUILL & EYESHADE. From the Office of Governor Andrew M.Cuomo. December 28, 2017;

Dear County Executive Astorino,

As you know, President Trump’s tax reform bill severely limits the deductibility of local property taxes. As you also know, Governor Cuomo has issued an executive order to allow taxpayers to pay their 2018 property tax bill prior to the end of the year so those taxes can be deducted in full on their 2017 federal tax returns.

One would assume this is of special interest to you as Westchester has extraordinarily high property taxes, the highest in the state and often the highest property taxes in the nation. The loss of full deductibility will have serious negative consequences to Westchester residents who often pay in excess of $30,000 in taxes a year.

The state has 62 counties. The overwhelming majority of the counties have allowed the tax payers to prepay next year’s property taxes before December 31st. Your county has refused.

Westchester County property tax payers are among the most negatively impacted in the entire nation. Counties across the state have overcome administrative obstacles to help their tax payers. While we know your term is nearly over and you will be seeking employment elsewhere, we urge you fulfill your constitutional obligation and please put Westchester tax payers first.

We urge you to reconsider your decision on behalf of the tax payers of Westchester County before it is too late.





Robert Mujica, New York State Budget Director

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