Mario M. Cuomo Bridge Opening Ceremony Officially Sets Stage for Opening of the Bridge Westbound Friday evening approximately 9 P.M.

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WPCNR BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER. From the Westchester County Association and the New NY Bridge website. August 24, 2017:

At today’s ribbon-cutting ceremony for the first of two 4-lane spans of the new Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, WCA President & CEO Bill Mooney, who gave remarks and introduced Congresswoman Nita Lowey, said “here in the mid-Hudson Valley, new and better transit options will have a ripple effect throughout the region, fueling continued economic growth and creating jobs and opportunity.”
According to Governor Andrew Cuomo, the $4 billion bridge will be paid for by a $1.6 billion, long-term, low interest loan through TIFIA, and $2 billion in bank settlement funds, with the balance coming from Thruway Authority bonds, which derive their funds from tolls. (Tolls will not be increased before 2020.) The new state-of-the-art bridge will significantly improve the flow of freight through New York, including faster shipping times and lower costs for businesses throughout the entire Northeast Corridor.


This aerial photo, taken in June, shows where the first span of the new bridge will connect to the New York State Thruway in Westchester County.

When is the first span of the new bridge opening?
The new bridge will partially open to traffic during the overnight of Friday, Aug. 25, weather permitting. The Thruway Authority will release details about the traffic shift in the coming days. Motorists will also be advised via Variable Message Signs along the New York State Thruway and highways in the region and Thruway Highway Advisory Radio will soon begin broadcasting updates.

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