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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. Statement to WPCNR From the Westchester County Legislature Democratic Caucus. April 26, 2017:
“Our County facilities are not meant to be used to do ICE’s job for them, especially when the job is in direct contrast with the values upon which we as a Country were founded. Not only are the immigration policies of the Trump Administration un-American, but they have been ruled unconstitutional time and time again in federal court.
“Reports like this are why we have been hard at work on a comprehensive Immigration Protection bill that restricts Westchester taxpayer funds from being used to execute the federal government’s new inhumane policies. This report will cause us to redouble our efforts. Additionally, we will request answers from Department of Corrections in a meeting of Legislator Ben Boykin’s Committee on Public Safety & Social Services on what measures the federal government has asked for county taxpayers to fund.
“Holding Westchester residents in our jails without a judicial warrant is unconstitutional and a practice we should eschew. We will not stand by idly as we are asked to do so.”