White Plains Democrats Invite Candidates for Mayor and Common Council

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WPCNR MAIN STREET JOURNAL. From the White Plains Democratic City Committee. February 15, 2017:
The Nominating Committee of the White Plains Democratic City Committee will be interviewing candidates for Mayor of White Plains and three seats on the White Plains Common Council beginning in late February and continuing into early March.
Any person interested in seeking the endorsement of the White Plains Democratic City Committee for those positions — which are up for election in the November 2017 general election –should contact Vicki Presser, the Chair of the Nominating Committee, by e-mail at vpresser@aol.com by February 22, 2017.
The recommendations of the Nominating Committee are not binding.  The endorsement will be decided on at a meeting of the full White Plains Democratic City Committee, to be held on March 30, 2017.

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