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WPCNR DISABLED ADVOCATE From various advocacy groups. January 9, 2016:
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Transformation Panel Report on recommendations for reorganizing how services to the disabled are delivered and decided lays out the process, vision and recommendations of the Transformation Panel, a diverse group of people brought together by Acting Commissioner Kerry A. Delaney to re-imagine the OPWDD (Office for People With Developmental Disablities) system.
Unlike proposals Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office described in daily news releases to the media this week, the Transformation Panel Report affecting millions of disabled children and adults, and mentally ill and substance-issues perons was not described to the media in any news release.
This collaborative document takes into account the voices of individuals and their family members, which were heard through a series of public forums held by the panel and Acting Commissioner Delaney.
Now the lengthy report is asking for comments on it within 11 days…due in January 22, 2016.
Advocacy groups stakeholders—people with developmental disabilities, their family members and caregivers, provider agency representatives and government partners— are being asked to share their opinions within the next 11 days. After reading the Transformation Panel’s draft report, the public should send comments on it to transformation.panel@opwdd.ny.gov
The time for public comment will continue through January 22. Please be sure to send your comments to transformation.panel@opwdd.ny.gov by January 22 for them to be considered.