Council Schedules Public Hearing on New FASNY Site Plan, Closing of Hathaway Lane for July 7. FASNY buys house on North St. to Ease North St. Entrance, forseeing Board of Ed denial. South End Issues a Call to Arms.

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WPCNR SOUTH END TIMES. By John F. Bailey. May 30, 2014:

The Common Council is in the process of scheduling the high-interest, sensitive public hearing on the French American School of New York specific site plan and request for Special Permit that shows exactly how they would build their new private school consolidated campus with an entrance to the former Ridgeway Country Club property on North Street.

The hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 7 , the night of the scheduled July regular Common Council meeting, and right after the July 4 Weekend.

The same tentative hearing will also take up the matter of closing Hathaway Lane (which presently bisects the FASNY property.)

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In a perhaps-related development, WPCNR has learned the French American School has purchased a large home (557 North Street) shown above immediately adjoining the south portion of the old Ridgeway Fairway that abuts the West side of North Street, partially visible at the right of this photo.

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Speculation is the school is assuming the White Plains Board of Education would not approve moving the entrance of the high school (shown above) to “line up” with the proposed new entrance to FASNY from the West side of North Street. It shows that acquisition of the house would allow an entrance from North Street without having to acquire Board of Education approval to move the high school entrance.

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A spokesperson for the French American School, Geof Thompson, told WPCNR the school has been in talks to acquire the property, but  could not confirm the sale. WPCNR has been told FASNY is paying $1.25 Million for the property. Thompson said the possible entrance from North Street would cut across the front yard of the house shown above (from the YWCA property) onto the former fairways above and curve down around the pond (show below).

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It is expected this may be detailed in the long-awaited site plan drawn up on the basis of Common Council approval of the new campus project with the proviso entrance be from North Street which they did in December.

WPCNR is awaiting confirmation from FASNY on the home purchase and their plan for it.

The Public Hearing meeting scheduling is on the current Common Council agenda for Monday evening issued today.

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Meanwhile, (as first reported two weeks ago on WHITE PLAINS WEEK),  Gedney Association has been joined by 7 other White Plains South End neighborhood associations (North Street, Havilands Manor, Rosedale, Wyndham Close,Club Pointe, Glenbrooke and Maplemoor Pond), in scheduling a public meeting June 4 at 7 PM in the White Plains High School auditorium to discuss

“White Plains at the Crossroads: Can our Neighborhoods be Saved?”

The meeting will include a presentation of the FASNY project, the effect of the new site plan on The Conservancy aspect of the project, and real alternatives to the FASNY PROJECT.

The agenda will also address the Urstadt Biddle Pavilion “City Within a City” project they plan to replace the White Plains Pavilion (that zoning request is being referred out to city departments in this Monday’s Common Council agenda.)

The expansion of the White Plains Transit Center to include Bus Rapid Transit will be discussed.





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