Boustead and Marbach Take Helm of The Woman’s Club of White Plains. Membership Drive Planned

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Julie Marback, left, and Mary Ann Boustead, right have been elected Co Presidents of the Woman’s Club of White Plains. Photo, Courtesy The Woman’s Club

WPCNR SOCIAL REGISTER. From Colleen Fay, Public Relations for The Woman’s Club of White Plains. May 27, 2014:

The Woman’s Club of White Plains has elected new co-presidents for the 2014-16 term.

 Mary Ann Boustead and Julie Marbach have been elected to replace outgoing co-presidents Susan Doherty and Cathy Schauber.   Mrs.Boustead and Mrs. Marbach are both White Plains residents and long time members of the club. Both women served on the Board of Directors prior to their election as co-presidents.

The Woman’s Club of White Plains is a non-profit organization which for nearly 100 years has supported numerous local charities.  The club sponsors various fund raisers throughout the year including Corks and Forks in the fall and the Spring Fashion Show/Scholarship Luncheon.  In addition, members of the club are involved in monthly volunteer projects assisting various organizations.  The Club is also responsible for maintaining the historic CV Rich mansion which is the club headquarters.

With the upcoming centennial anniversary of the Woman’s Club in 2016, the co-presidents hope to add 100 members to the club and increase the philantrophic efforts of the club. Information about becoming a member is available on the website

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