Con Ed Reports 240 still Out of Power from Friday Afternoon Underground Explosion.

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WPCNR POLICE GAZETTE. From Con Edison and Town of Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner. February 28, 2014:

The Con Edison website reports 240 still without power as of 7:15 Friday morning as a result of  a Thurdsay afternnoon underground cable explosion. Paul Feiner reported as of late this morning all but 100 East Hartsdale Avenue had been restored.

Paul Feiner, Greenburgh Town Supervisor provided this description of the incident when it was in progress yesterday afternoon from Greenburgh Police Chief, Chris McNerny:

We are currently working with the Hartsdale Fire Department and Con Edison battling an underground fire in the area of 100 East Hartsdale Avenue. Several manhole covers were blown open during initial explosions and there is concern of additional as the fire spreads. Luckily we have no reported injuries. We have power outages reported from 160 East Hartsdale Avenue to Central Avenue. We are working to identify and treat residents that are on life sustaining equipment and we have made arrangements to transport residents to the community center and multi purpose center.
The Journal News reported this morning the fire was brought under control by 4 P.M. and 563 electrical customers were affected. Con Edison reported the explosion appeared to be caused by melting snow and salt infiltrating the under ground cables.

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