City Center Countdown: 2 New Tower Designs.

Hits: 4

Louis Cappelli, sun bronzed from a Monday afternoon golf round playing “customer golf” with his City Center financiers, presented enhancements to his proposed City Center residential apartment towers Monday night. Afterwards four of seven Councilpersons seemed inclined to back the 34-story project with enthusiasm.

The Monday evening work session brought the White Plains Common Council closer to its “date with destiny” next Tuesday, September 4. On that fateful day, the Common Council is scheduled to vote on a Special Permit allowing Louis Cappelli to erect two 34-story residential apartment towers on his 7 acre site changing White Plains forever.

Two new tower designs reflect Councilmember comments.

“Mr. Development” presented enhancements of his City Center “Twin Towers” based on council comments on the eight tower designs presented just last Wednesday evening.

HOW TO SELL A CONCEPT:”Mr. Development,” Louis Cappelli, of Cappelli Enterprises, showcases the features the Common Council liked most wrapped up into one building Monday night. The 34-story job is redbrick, with stately stepbacks with a gold pyramid on the top. Mr. C. is selling the advantages of taller, slimmer elegance to a riveted Common Council. Photo by WPCNR

Cappelli put the height question into perspective. He said the first 100 feet of each tower up against the City Center building and the new Martine Avenue garage were useless, and “had to be offset by more expensive real estate (at the top of the building).” He said the key floors of each building were the top six stories (above the 28-floor level) which would rent for $3 a square foot as opposed to $2/a square foot for the bottom 28 stories.

What Council wanted.

Prior to unveiling his two new designs, Cappelli recapped his interpretation of what the Council had said they liked about his designs last Wednesday. He said the Council wanted a more “verticular look” and that the tower facades should be defined more dramatically, and that “the top should form some sort of slant,” referring to the enthusiasm for the pyramid caps he had shown.

He advised that each of the tall towers would contain 280 apartments, and his third Conroy & Martine building (replacing the psychiatric center) would contain 40 loft apartments, making up the 600 apartments. He estimated the 600 units would bring 1.4 persons per unit, approximately 900 to 1,000 permanent residents to the downtown.

Now 380 foot towers, not 340. Cappelli prefers two different towers.
The Council learned that the actual height of the buildings would 380 feet, not 340 feet, since the cupolas of the towers would contain 40 feet of air-conditioning, elevator works and boilers to heat the building. Mr. C said he preferred to build two different towers rather than duplicate towers as Beyer Blinder Belle had suggested. The towers would not be the tallest buildings in Westchester, but the second tallest next to The Avalon in New Rochelle.

Up come the Boards!

Cappelli unveiled two views of the first design featuring a square-topped tower with a gold pyramid treatment and a standard square roofed cupola, with two different brick and glass treatments.

With the second design, he hit a homerun, or at least “a gapper.” It was a spectacular, rich, rose brick façade, clear glass ornate and solid with articulated protrusions and solid, sturdy horizontal definitions at each setback with the column soaring to a Metropolitan Life Building-type golden pyramid peak.

The night views of each proposed tower inspired glowing countenances from the councilpersons. Cappelli, speaking softly in a rapturous, seductive tone, said each building with have setbacks at intervals as the columns soared to the heavens, upon which there would be floodlights turning the buildings into spectacular evening art, beckoning drivers for miles traveling on I-287.

“I can’t build a nicer building than this. It has to be brick, has to be glass. This is a monumental building, with lights on the cutbacks, the atrium lit and clear, especially at night.”

Council appears positive to the concept

Cappelli had them on the run. The exception was Pauline Oliva who repeated her complaint about the calls she had been receiving from residents about the proposed height, and still seemed to be a definite “No.”

Larry Delgado appeared to back off from tacit rejection of 34 stories to quibbles about colored glass, and appeared to be wavering in his opposition to the magic 34. Robert Greer, William King, Benjamin Boykin each expressed enthusiasm for both designs and no reservations about the height, though Greer wanted Fred Bland of Beyer, Blinder Belle to give his opinion of the designs.

Rita Malmud remained the coy muse of the Common Council. She refused comment on the new prototypes, or to weigh in on the “look,” or to comment on the height question, despite Mayor Delfino’s asking her twice for her impressions. The coy Mayor reserved comment until the vote.

The reaction was highly positive.

Councilman William King: “That’s a fantastic top.(Referring to design 2).”
Councilman Robert Greer: “I agree. But, I’d like Fred Bland’s opinion on it. I like the one on the right (gold pyramid topping).”
Councilwoman Pauline Oliva: “I like the accentuated lines, it seems to hug it to the ground.” She pointed out that Cappelli had originally come in with a design for 18 stories, and had many phone calls from persons opposed to the height.

Cappelli said “this (meaning the 34-story buildings) was a trade-off. It’s enabled an acre and a half of public open space. We’re a big city. We’re not a sleepy town of 54,000 people.” He compared the success of the Avalon building in New Rochelle (300 rented in six months) as more reason to go with the height.

Ms. Oliva responded that White Plains acreage is smaller (than New Rochelle). Cappelli said, “That’s why I’ve got to see The Lord (go up).”

Mr. Greer recalled Cappelli’s first proposal: “I remember some pretty squat buildings.” Mayor Delfino agreed, remembering Cappelli had three boxes.

Greer came down emphatically supportive of the higher buildings as opposed to the three boxes: “I think this is a big improvement.”

Councilman Delgado, appearing thoughtful, said: “I’m still interested in what Fred Bland has to say.” Delgado asked about a design using one pane of glass for two floors, and Cappelli said that was coming.

Delgado concentrated his statements on the design, and we could not know whether this meant he now could live with voting for the 34-story height. He said he did not like colored glass because that was characteristic of office buildings. Delgado said “The tops they all look beautiful. You just can’t ignore that it is a tall building.”

Councilman Boykin joined Councilman King’s outright enthusiasm emphatically: “They (both new building designs) look very good. But, once it’s built we can’t change it. By going up, you’re optimizing the infrastructure and providing open space.”

Mayor Delfino, queried by Ms. Malmud, said he liked the first building, and that he “could look at 34 stories.”

Cappelli was seeking a consensus. He said he sensed a “lighter council.” Pauline Oliva again demurred: “If it weren’t for all the calls I get and some critics….”

Cappelli said, in a diplomatic way, “They have no idea or any connection with the downtown…they are not connected.”

Oliva said, “They are. They pay taxes and they vote.”

Cappelli, said, “I’m in it (the downtown). And I vote and pay taxes,” then lightening up, he added, “I don’t want this to be a 4-3 vote, I won’t be satisfied until I get a 7-0 vote.”

The City Center could break ground in January, 2002
He closed his remarks by advising the council there was a 120-day appeal period after approval, and that he wanted to close on his financing by September 20. He anticipated beginning construction, January 5, 2002.

Garage construction procedure being examined.

Cappelli said he was still planning phasing the Martine Avenue garage construction. He was not sure whether to finish it early and lose revenue on it, or finish it at the same time the entire project was completed, which would extend the construction.

In comments on the mezzanine of City Hall, during Executive Session, Cappelli said, if he built the garage right away, he could finish the entire project in 12 months, opening at the end of 2002. If he phased it, he would finish the project in 20 months, with the project opening in mid 2003.

He advised that Sears had agreed to lease him 100 parking spaces, to supplement the 125 the city was making available for permit parkers now housed in the present Main-Martine garage. He was hopeful of even more spaces from Sears. He said he would decide on which timetable he would pursue in about 30 days.

The countdown to the City Center Time Table

The Council will also vote next Tuesday evening on a Zoning Ordinance in the downtown Zoning District allowing 280 foot, or 28 story residential towers on properties of 180,000 square feet (with 15 foot setbacks) in the Main Street-Mamaroneck Avenue-to Post Road corridor. This may set a new course for the White Plains of the future, dedicated to bringing high rise residential back to the downtown.

Should the Council approve the City Center Special Permit next Tuesday, there is one more hurdle for the dashing developer.

The Mayor’s Office reported Friday that should they approve the 34-story Special Permit, the Council will hold a special vote about mid-September to approve the $23 Million in bonding towards the new Conroy & Martine parking garage. This double approval is being created for Mr. Cappelli to close on his financing about September 20.

According to George Gretsas, the Mayor’s Executive Officer, in an interview with WPCNR last Friday, the council only needs a simple majority vote to approve the Special Permit. However, the vote for the bonding of the $23 million tentatively targeted for Mid-September, requires a 5-2 majority.

Should the Special Permit not be approved for Cappelli, there is no indication at this time what the developer would do next.

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Open Space Committee greenlights city buy of D’Elia property.

Hits: 4

The Mayor’s Open Space Acquisition Committee voted unanimously to recommend the first White Plains acquisition of park land in 20 years.

The Mayor’s Office reported Friday that the proposal was met with great enthusiasm by the Acquisition Committee, when Susan Habel presented the news Thursday night. The recommended purchase now moves to the Capitol Projects Board on Tuesday morning, when the price for the land will be revealed, according to George Gretsas, the Mayor’s Executive Officer.

The deal was announced at the Wednesday, August 22 Work Session of the Common Council by Kate Brown, of the New York Trust for Public Land. Ms. Brown negotiated the deal by which the Trust will buy the land from the contractor now owning an option on the D’Elia property. The Trust, in turn will sell it to the city for a price that Ms. Brown reports is below market value.

Real estate sources advise WPCNR they expect the property to move for approximately $1.1MM leaving about $4MM left in the city’s open space acquisition budget.

If the purchase is approved by the Capitol Projects Board, it could come to the Common Council for a vote. The council in its work session last week gave its blessing by a 5-1 vote, (with Rita Malmud unenthusiastic), to pursue the contract, however a final official vote has to be taken for the purchase to go through.

The development of the D’Elia property has been fought by the Hillair Circle neighborhood and the Concerned Citizens for Open Space organization for years, and now it appears the city is on the brink of preserving this densely forested tract for future generations.

White Plains Police stay the course, endorse Bill Ryan for County Legislator

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“He’s been very supportive of police issues,” says Jim Carrier, head of the White Plains Police Benevolent Association.
The WPPBA endorsed an old friend Sunday night. This is how Officer Carrier described William J. Ryan, incumbent County Legislator, in reporting to WPCNR Sunday that the White Plains Police Benevolent Association has endorsed Ryan for Legislator in District 5 against his challenger Candyce Canelstein Corcoran:

“We’ve only endorsed one candidate so far and that is Bill Ryan,” Carrier told WPCNR. “Legislator Ryan is the head of the County Board of Legislators Public Safety Committee. He’s been very supportive of police issues in the past, and we believe he will continue to do so.”

The WPPBA by virtue of Sunday evening’s announcement breaks with the Scarsdale PBA in endorsing Ryan for the new County Legislative District 5. The Scardale PBA had endorsed Ryan’s opponent, Corcoran. The WPPBA, the Professional Fire Fighters Association of White Plains and the Civil Service Employees Association all had endorsed Legislator Ryan in his bid to run for Mayor of White Plains last April.

Ryan had actually captured the Nominating Committee nomination to be Democratic Party Mayoral standard bearer in November. However he was challenged for the nomination by White Plains Common Councilman Robert Greer and lost the nomination by a poll of the city wide Democratic District Leaders in a very close vote. Ryan’s loss touched off some bitter comments from labor observers in the hall at Democratic headquarters the night Greer wrested the nomination from Ryan. The Firefighter’s union in particular was upset with the Democratic party that evening, one official saying angrily: “We’ve been ignored by the Democrats for the last time, and that we’re going to show the Democrats they can’t take labor for granted.”

Carrier’s announcement to WPCNR Sunday evening only deals with the County Legislator contest.

Mr. Carrier said the WPPBA would be announcing its choices for citywide races for Mayor and Common Council in mid-September.

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Cappelli to council: No 34 stories is a Deal Killer

Hits: 12

Louis Cappelli,made it bluntly clear to the Common Council that he would not compromise with the city on the 34 story heights of his proposed City Center towers Wednesday night.
The super developer expressed anxiety that worsening economic conditions could upset the whole City Center financial structure if he changed his project even one story, effectively killing the project perception with the banks, Avalon, his residential partner, and his prospective tenants.

The Common Council hunkered down in their seats at Wednesday evening’s work session and their eyes became smaller with each sentence uttered by Louis Cappelli who gave them an update and virtually an ultimatum on the City Center project. Councilman Benjamin Boykin, was not in attendance and did not hear the sober, friendly, frank warning delivered by the indefatigable developer.

Cappelli said that all demolition would be completed within the next three weeks, and that he wanted the Council to approve the project at their September 4 Common Council meeting because he feared any further delay could jeopardize the financing of the project.

He presented the council with his “term sheet,” an economic breakdown, floor-by-floor, of the buildings demonstrating how most of the profit of the residential towers was contained in the upper 10 stories of their projected 34 story heights. Lessening the height by one floor, he said would cause him to have to go back to the banks and reconfigure all his leases, financing, and residential partnerships.

“I sense from certain councilmen that theCity Center project was enough. I get a sense from other councilmen that 34 stores might be too high, that it’s something to come off of. It’s really not a negotiation. The bottom seven floors are worthless,” Cappelli said. “Lowering the buildings affects the performance. The top four floors are very valuable. I have to go back to Avalon, the banks. Everywhere today, you see stuff(bad economic news) happening. Time is the enemy.”

Cappelli said bluntly, “I can’t stress enough for you to move on this, say yes so I can close with my banks. I don’t want anybody to think knocking floors off is not a big deal because it is a big deal.”

Cappelli added that he is scheduled to sign a lease with National Amusements, the theater tenant, on September 4 which he will have for the Council in time for their September 4 Common Council meeting that evening, when he urged them to approve the project.

At this point, Cappelli turned to aesthetics and presented eight different brick colors and design treatments for the twin 34-story towers he was demanding. They ranged from redbrick to blue-gray, from vertical to horizontal window treatments, from a block structure pinnacle to varying pyramid pinnacles. He said he was willing to come back with 8 to 10 more treatments of the buildings to hone in on what design the Council was comfortable with.

Rita Malmud reacted to the designs with some warmth, and did not make any comments on the height issue: “I’m having trouble working with the verticalness. The vertical lines need more sense of distinction. I’ll know when I see it. That’s it.”

Pauline Oliva, however, continued her opposition to the 34-story height, though she liked building number eight. Oliva said she liked Building eight because it had a “heavier, lower look.”

Larry Delgado said “It (the design) is not quite there yet.”

William King said he liked Building number six, “I like where you’re going. I’ll support the height. I think it’sjust a matter of tweaking it. It’s a great look.”

Robert Greer said “I don’t pretend to be an architectural maven, but I’m with you on the height. No problems.”

Cappelli ebullient about the reception the design looks were getting said, “This 34-story building has to be perfect. A symbol of the city.”

Cappelli added that the buildings would be enhanced by skyward-directed flood lights, imparting a nighttime glamour.

Larry Delgado concluded comments with stating that “I’m concerned about the problem of height downtown. As Fred Bland (of Beyer, Blinder, Belle, architects) indicated we’re a city of shoulders, I would not want to see a city of only ‘heads’…I’d not like to see the biggest thing to be the biggest height.”

Cappelli took sharp, rational exception to this comment: “I’m out on the street. I don’t get the sense of what you’re getting a sense of that these stories matter. I can’t agree with a comment that this height is an issue.You show me one letter against the height, I can get you 50 letters supporting the height.”

Delgado said he was supportive of the 28-story zoning change considered by the Council.

Cappelli stood firm: “This is a deal killer. I can’t fit those 8 apartments by six floors into 28 stories. This (28 stories) is a deal killer because it changes the performance of the project.

He added: “Don’t judge us by other projects(in the future). Where were they for the last 10 years? To have you say that what they suggest should affect me that’s not right.We’re here for the first time making history. They’re not here.”

Pauline Oliva took up the anti-height crusade: “I was willing to vote for the proposal for up to 28 stories. It’s not that I am against the height, it’s how high. You just talk to business tenants. But people that talk to me, whom I meet in the supermarket, people say don’t let them build that height.”

Cappelli and Oliva wrangled over what residential homeowners thought and what the downtown needed. Oliva expressed concerns about traffic that was already clogging her Battle Hill neighborhood and what it would be like when the apartments were built at the City Center.
William King suggested part of the increased traffic was due to I-287 cut-throughs.

The Cappelli presentation closed with Mr. Cappelli vowing to return with more enhanced designs for his twin towers within a few days.

City has a deal on capturing D’Elia property for open space

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The New York Trust for Public Land, has successfully negotiated a tentative deal to acquire the D’Elia subdivison off Hillair Circle with the purpose of perserving 5 acres of land for city open space as part of the Greenway Trail.
The Common Council agreed 5-1(with Rita Malmud dissenting, Benjamin Boykin not attending) to pursue the deal in its Wednesday evening meeting, after a closed door executive session. The Council did not vote to approve the expenditure which was not revealed.

The deal came as a complete surprise to the Council with the appearance of Kate Brown, Project Manager for the Mid-Atlantic Region of the New York Trust for Public Land announcing the opportunity.

Ms. Brown said she had been working on the request of the Mayor’s Open Space Acquisition Committee to pursue the D’Elia subdivision property as a number one priority of the committee, and had successfully reached an agreement on a purchase price with the owner, Albert Orlando, a developer from Greenwich, Connecticut.

“The Mayor asked us to help out with your Open Space AcquisitionProgram. It’s a typical role for us (The New York Trust for Public Land). We serve a nice role of keeping some distance between the public agency and the landowner,” she said. “Albert Orlando, buyer of the D’Elia property has agreed to turn over to the public 5 acres on Hillair Circle.”

Rita Malmud, at this point, said “I have no idea what we’re talking about.”

Ms. Brown explained that Orlando, the owner, was willing to turn over the property, (long sought by Concerned Citizens for Open Space for preservation), “at or below fair market value, so we, (The Trust for Public Land) could resell it to the city. We are in a contract situation.”

George Gretsas, the Mayor’s Executive Officer, explained to Councilwoman Malmud, “We need for the council to show a manifestation of support, an affirmative agreement, or we can just pull the plug (on the deal).”

Pauline Oliva asked what were the intended uses. Brown explained the Trust was acquiring it for the city for open space or park purposes, or as an extension of the Greenway. Susan Habel confirmed this was the intended use.

Councilman Delgado said the D’Elia property was an opportunity he had discussed with members of the Open Space Acquisition Committee, but Councilwoman Oliva pointed out, “You made a recommendation and we (the rest of the council didn’t), and the Open Space Acquisition Commitee has no legal standing.”

Susan Habel gently reminded Mrs. Oliva that “the committee had been operating under the Open Space Policy under the Mayor’s Open Space Initiative (announced last spring). All properties (on the acquisition list) were actually before the Planning Board for some kind of proposal, and it was not appropriate for the city to acquire them.”

Brown said the deal started to fall into place three weeks ago, at which time she obtained independent appraisals: “Mr. Orlando is willing to hold the property off the market for a limited amount of time for us to go to contract.”

At this point, the council went into Executive Session to discuss the purchase price. After the session was over, and the council discussed what they had heard briefly before agreeing in consensus to pursue the deal.

After Executive Session, Ms. Malmud said “We’re not voting are we? I’m still not sure if the numbers are relevant.”

The other 5 members agreed to continue to go to contract on the deal, pending an official vote.

Interviewed by WPCNR in the City Hall mezzanie, Ms. Brown said the puchase price negotiated with Mr. Orlando would still leave the city with enough funds in its $5 million allotment to continue to pursue more acquisitions on the Open Space Acquisition Committee list.

Jim Benerofe, of, familiar with real estate values estimated that the D’Elia property was worth approximately $2 million.

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Hudson River Bandits Looking for a Few Good Girls

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The Hudson River Bandits Fastpitch Softball Organization have announced their team tryout dates for the 2002 season. Two-Session Tryouts will be held at Sprout Brook Field in Peekskill as follows, affording players all important second looks. It is mandatory that players attend both sessions.
Saturday, September 8: 9 AM — for 10Under and 12 U Teams. 11 AM — for 16Under, 18Under Teams

Sunday, September 9: 3 PM — For 14Under, 16Under, 18Under Teams, 5 PM — for 10Under, and 12Under Teams

Age is determined by the age of the player as of January 1, 2002.

The Bandits, founded just five years ago, are fresh off their most successful season ever, with their 16Under, 14Under, and 12Under softball teams going 13-6 in the National Softball Association World Series this July.

The Hudson River Bandits teams and parents on the scene at Freedom Park, Charlotte, North Carolina on their March through the NSA Nationals.

In one week of intense competition among the best teams from the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest, the Red and the Gray clubs delivered “The best showing ever by the Hudson River Bandits organization at a national tournament,” according to the team founder, Rudy Netek.

The 12Under Banditas tied for 17th out of 78 teams. The 14Unders tied for 9th out of 107 teams, and the 16Under teams tied for 13th out of 92 teams.

According to Netek, there are no guaranteed spots on the Hudson River Bandits from year to year: “The Bandits believe in an ‘open tryout’ process for all 14 roster spots, where COMPETITION drives the players on each year. The primary criteria given to the coaches when they select teams each year is that a ‘new face’ must be a ‘significantly’ better player than a returning player to capture a roster spot, and displace a Bandits player from the previous year,” according to Netek.

Factors determining whether a player makes the Bandits are physical ability, athletic attributes, softball playing abilities and softball skills, attitude and approach to the game of both the player and the parents.

The Bandits play a 50 game schedule beginning in May, requiring extensive travel around the Rockland County, Dutchess County and Connecticut region, culminating in a trip to the Nationals at the end of July.Players selected will also play a fall schedule of games on Sundays beginning September 16.

Netek, who founded the Bandits in 1997, remarked: “As the Hudson River Bandits organization matures, the pool of capable, qualified, and distinguished coaching applicants widens, making the coaching selection process easier, while at the same time, makingit more difficult to settle on a limited staff. We simply have no bad or questionable options this year. The coaching staffs for all teams from this past summer were outstanding. All were successful with the girls both on and off the field.”

Commenting on the Bandit philosophy, Netek said, “The winners on the Bandits are the girls, the players who comprise the Hudson River Bandits. They are the reason we all, parents, coaches, and friends, happily do all that we do for ten months of the year. They are the beneficiaries of excellent coaching staffs year after year. Their careers on the softball diamonds, playing a game they simply love to play, are fairly short lived. Every year needs to be their best year ever and it’s all of our jobs to see that it is. Memories are lasting.”

For more information, contact the Hudson River Bandits by e-mail at

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CitizeNetReporter to Affiliate With Westchester Network

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The CitizeNetReporter announced today that the popular White Plains news website is becoming a flagship affiliate of the Westchester Network on September 5. A prototype of a redesigned site has already been built and preparations for going live are already underway.
“I’m excited about the new features the Westchester Network format brings to my demanding, news-starved audience, ” said John Bailey, Executive Editor of The CitizeNetReporter. “With the ability to let me instantly update the site, I can put up more news faster than any other news medium in the city. The site design has built-in interactive comment features, access to Westchester County government news, Yonkers news, Scarsdale news and the ability to conduct viewer surveys on an instant turn-around status.”

Bailey added: “The Westchester Network format brings three new and unique dimensions to my readers. The format is more accessible to them, easier to navigate and presents more details on more stories faster at a glance.”

Viewers will still access the site at the old URLs they have been using:,, or However, they will soon see a redesigned front page but with the old familiar trademark White Plains Cityscape.

New WPCNR Website
The new WPCNR website.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Weather, Government, School, Community, and Sports categories are covered with picturesque logos.

Stories will be listed with bullet headlines, complete with synopsis so viewers can tell instantly exactly what stories they want to read first. As with the original CitizeNetReporter site, running stories from the past will appear in chronological order on the right side of the page.

The changeover will take place officially September 4, according to Bailey.

There will be no downtime while the site is readied. Within a few days, prototype postings will be made to the new site, according to Bailey. However the CitizeNetReporter will have no suspension of service.

“That’s the beauty of the Scarsdale Technologies system, ” Bailey added. “It is a turn-key operation putting me and the Yonkers Tribune way ahead of any other news website operations in the County. It could be a prototype for any news organization in other Westchester cities to just jump in and instantly upgrade their ability to service their news niche.”

The Westchester Network is the creation of Sean P.Cover, who is attempting to build a string of independent news operations providing gritty local coverage now missing from the Westchester news scene.

“The whole idea of The White Plains CitizeNetReporter,” Bailey added “was to force the traditional media to cover more White Plains news by providing the timely detail and local knowledge of White Plains that traditional news outlets no longer provide. The Westchester Network believes in the same philosophy.”

Cover, Publisher of the Westchester Network and editor of, commented: “I’m pleased to welcome John Bailey’s White Plains CitizeNetReporter and Hezi Aris’ Yonkers Tribune as they join ScarsdaleToday as partners in the Westchester Network as independent affiliates.”

He welcomes what they bring to the table:

“With Mr. Bailey’s White Plains reporting and with Hezi Aris’ Yonkers reporting, our network adds two professional stalwart news operations and now simply provides more significant news about Yonkers, Scarsdale and White Plains than any other medium. By joining the Westchester Network, WPCNR and The Yonkers Tribune end up with beautiful, state-of-the-art, maintenance-free portal systems, giving the Network and the affiliates the status of a leading medium for prospective advertisers.”

“WPCNR and The Yonkers Tribune will get traffic from all the other Westchester Network sites, consisting of real estate listings, restaurant listings, classifieds, personals and more because their name and link will be in the header of EVERY page of the Westchester Network. Fans of the two sites will still get Bailey’s and Aris’ objective, insider reporting from persons who live in the communities they cover. Meanwhile Bailey and Aris will get more exposure and traffic.”

Bailey founded White Plains CitizeNetReporter in February, 2000. His coverage has brought White Plains citizens inside, in-depth coverage of city happenings that no medium, print or electronic duplicates. His stories have been complimented by public officials, politicians, public relations experts, and community advocates and longtime leading citizens as being balanced, fair, blunt and accurate and ahead of other media.

Bailey, in deciding to join the partnership said, “We decided to affiliate with Westchester Network to upgrade our site and make it more interactive and technically professional. Not only does it allow me, a non-technical person hands-on, instant access, but its thoughtful infrastructure gives advertisers more frequent venues for repeated exposure and good will.”

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American Cancer Society “Making Strides Walk” October 14th

Hits: 89

Candyce Corcoran writes: This morning (August 2) I attended the American Cancer Society’s annual 7 am breakfast kick off for breast cancer awareness. What made today’s breakfast a little tougher on me was not the fact that a a movie was shown that made everyone’s eyes fill up with tears, but that somewhere in the very same room was my mother, Yvonne.
My mother is a breast cancer survivor. She had a radical mastectomy in 1979. And quite frankly, now I know where I do get all of my energy! Right from her!

As many of you are aware, I have been a team captain for many years trying to raise funds to rid all of us of this dreadful disease. Last year, thanks to many of you, I was able to send money to the American Cancer Society in a package.

Just remember, “that if it has not already, breast cancer will touch you or someone you know. Manual pdf The disease will strike nearly 200,000 times this year and claim more than 40,000 lives.” (according to the American Cancer Society)

Since, 1993, Making Strides has been the rally to raise awareness. Last year 325,000 walkers across the country collected more than $26 million dollars.

Please join me again this year by walking with me (I will attempt some of the trip because of my broken foot) or at least by making a contribution to the American Cancer Society. Manual pdf

The walk is on Sunday, October 14, 2001. Manual pdf Registration is 8 to 10:30 a.m. and the event starts at 9:30 to 10:30. We will be walking 5 miles at Manhattanville College.

Thank you once again for all of your support,

Candyce Corcoran

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School Board Authorizes $100,000 in Overtime to Complete High School

Hits: 0

In its regular Board of Education meeting Monday evening, August 13, the Board authorized spending up to $100,000 in overtime construction costs to complete the new high school media center, administration offices, new cafeteria and science lab expansion in time for the first week of school.

Richard Lasselle, Assistant Superintendent for Business, requested the
increase in order to cope with a shortage of electricians on the high
school renovation, which has 21 days before students are expected to arrive.
Lasselle, speaking to WPCNR, assured WPCNR the high school would be ready
to serveallhigh school students by the first day of school, September

Lasselle said the contractor has been working 6 days a week to ready
the $28 million expansion. He said the authorization of $100,000 in overtime
expenditure was an effort to assure availability of electrical contractors,
whom Lasselle described as being in great demand around the county due
to the large number of construction projects throughout the region.

WPCNR spoke with a supervising contractor on site at the high school
last week who told us that he was anticipating the project being completed
by the third week in September at the earliest. Our source said that the
new cafeteria had all kitchen and serving facilities in place and interior
renovation installed, and that the electrical work which including wiring
air conditioning and ventilation systems (delivered and cranelifted onto
the building the last week in July) were about to be “hooked up.”
This on-site source reported that the electrical subcontractors were the
keys to getting the entire project student-ready by September.

On the science lab facilities, the contractor told us last week that
labtables and heavy counter furnishings were in place, and were awaiting
electrical, plumbing and gas hookups. He speculated that the science labs
would also be completed approximately about Setember 15 but stressed that
work was intensifying. He gave us this estimate the first week of August.

NEW SCIENCE Labs being enclosed week of August 6.
Contractor reports labtables in and electrical work remains. Photo

The contractor also reported that work on the new media center was in
good shape, but that too was awaiting electrical wiring for technological
resources. He said that the school district had concentrated on the cafeteria
and science facilities, and that the new administrative offices and circular
media center section would be completed last.

Media Center awaits wiring, is expected to open mid-September. New
Administrative offices in this section will be last to be opened.
High school brain-trust will continue in trailers. Photo by WPCNR.

A teacher interviewed by WPCNR at the beginning of August advised us
that she had been told that the administration offices would continue
to be in the temporary trailers through September because the new administrative
offices would be completed last in the construction sequence.

Lasselle, speaking to WPCNR after the Board of Education voted the overtime
funds, said that “I don’t want to make predictions, it’s still too
close to call, but we’re going to be ready for the kids.”

He said the new cafeteria, as of last Monday’s meeting, needed the electrical
work to be completed, and that the media probably would not be functioning
until about mid-September, when all books and materials and equipment
would be moved into the facility.

New Cafeteria nears completion. Shown August 6, Cafeteria
is having air-conditioning, vents, electrical work installed and is
expected ready for service the first day of school. Photo by WPCNR.

However, Lasselle was optimistic. He emphasized that the construction
situation improves each day, and pointed out that once contractors left
a clean-up operation would be needed before the new facilities were ready
to be activated. He did say the new cafeteria was expected to be ready
for the first day of school and there would be room for all the students.

Asked if WPCNR could go on a walking tour of the construction this week,
Lasselle suggested that the time for the tour was when the new facilities
were opened officially.

The renovation of the high school lost 17 construction days at the beginning
of the project in the year 2000, due to union disputes that the nonunion
contractor, Tratoros Construction was not using enough union operators
on heavy earth-moving equipment and concrete pouring. This was resolved,
and there have been no work stoppages since August, 2000.

In other action —

The Board of Education approved a resolution going on record as opposing
a bill that Dr. Saul Yanofsky said which would direct the School Districts
across New York State authorize “unemployment compensation”
to “non-instructional 10-month employees, (not teachers) across the

Yanofsky said that the bill was sponsored by State Senator Nicholas Spano.

Yanofsky said this bill which apparently has widespread support in the
legislature could cost the City School District more than $500,000 a year
increased expenses because the School District is “self-supporting,
in terms of its unemployment compensation.”

The Personnel Office of the School District reported to WPCNR that 10-month
employees include “teaching assistants, cafeteria workers, and some
clerical staff.”

The Superintendent of Schools said “It (the bill) is disturbing,
because its purpose is not what unemployment compensation is all about.
People on these 10-month jobs take them because they only want 10-month
jobs. They want the summer free.”

Yanofsky expressed concern that teachers would desire the same unemployment
benefits in the future, creating the specter of a massive increase in
unemployment compensation.

Yanofsky said he had written State Senators Suzi Oppenheimer, Nicholas
Spano, and Assemblypersons Amy Paulin and Naomi Matusow opposing the project,
but mentioned that Senator Spano is the actual bill sponsor.

“The bill is still alive in Albany,” Yanofsky reported. “The
tax PACS and business interests have not heard of it, and it is my understanding
that this (bill) is going to happen very quietly.”

WPCNR contacted Senator Spano’s office to find out exactly why this bill
is being sponsored in Albany, and exactly what it would do. The Senator’s
press secretary, Claire Wainwright, reported that the Senator is away,
and that she will be reporting back to WPCNR with more background on the
reasons behind this bill.

On Albany issues…

Dr. Yanofsky, in his remarks to the Board, expressed concern about the
impact of the Albany “bare bones” budget passed against Governor
Pataki’s wishes two weeks ago.

The budget he said, means that the District will not be getting state
aid they anticipated for BOCES, small cities and the disabled. “(These
cuts) will have a devastating affect across the state,” Yanofsky

He also said the legislators’ $4 billion in cuts would deny any possibility
of added funding for magnet schools. He also said Pre-K funding could
be affected, though the school district is planning to stay with the Pre-K
program this year.

New Director of Adult Education…

The district approved the appointment of Claudia Jarmillo to the position
of Director of Adult and Continuing Education replacing Anthony Morzello,
who is retiring.

Ms. Jarmillo was described by Dr. Yanofsky as having been found after
two “searches,” and that she had very impressive credentials
in curriculum development. She holds an Bachelor of Arts and Masters Degree
from St. John’s University.

Watch your mailbox for The Code of Conduct

For the green and tan Code of Conduct Summary. The flyer outlines the
27-page Code of Conduct approved by the School Board June 25, 2001. Versions
are available in both English and Spanish. All families of secondary school
students will receive the flyer with the school calendar in the next two
weeks. Assemblies will also be held in schools discussing the Code of

Anyone wishing the complete Code of Conduct may request it from the School
District in English or Spanish by calling 422-2039.

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Mayor Moves to Place Time Limits on Council Meetings

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The Delfino Administration is proposing changes to the way monthly Common Council meetings are conducted “to prevent the Common Council from discussing and voting on public issues after midnight.”

In an official news release from City Hall, Mayor Delfino made this statement:

“The last Common Council meeting lasted until 3:45 A.M., long after
most people have gone to sleep. It is insane and prevents many of our
residents from participating in the public debate on some of the most
important issues facing our City in the last twenty years.”

There was a full house at City Hall on Monday August
5 at 8:10 PM for start of “The Mother of All Common Council Meetings,”
or “The Meeting That Would Not End.” Meeting lasted 7 hours and 40
minutes, adjourning at approximately 3:45 AM Tuesday morning, prompting
the Mayor’s initiative. Photo by WPCNR.

The Mayor proposes starting Common Council meetings at 7:30 PM, instead
of the current 8 P.M. start. He also wants the Council to agree to an
automatic curfew at midnight, with a mandatory “carry-over”
of the remaining agenda to the next night, Tuesday evening.

Says Delfino: “The Council should be prepared to meet every night
if it has to in order to get the people’s business done. This is what
we need to do in order to ensure that the public is included in the process.”

The Delfino Administration, by unofficial count, has staged more council
meetings than the previous Schulman Administration. In 1994, the Common
Council under Mayor Sy Schulman met 21 times. In 1999, Mayor Delfino doubled
the number of Council meetings “to reflect the flurry of proposals
created by what Delfino calls ‘the revitalization era of White Plains,'”
according to the City Hall statement.

In the year 2000 the Council met 61 times, tripling the number of Council
meetings from 1994.

The Common Council meeting of August 5 to 6, which ran from 8:10 PM to
3:45 PM with two 10 minute breaks, was the longest council meeting in
30 years, according to the city Registrar, Janice Minieri, who recalled
that in the 70s, Council meetings used to have an 11 o’clock curfew.

Last week’s council meeting featured 6 Public Hearings and discussion
of a resolution. Speakers were not limited to specific time limits. All
speakers who wanted to be heard were allowed to speak. Several persons
awaiting for their opportunity to present during their hearing were obliged
to wait 4 hours, 6 hours, and one, a full 7 hours before their hearing
came up.

What disturbed the news media personnel covering the meeting was that
the Beyer Blinder Belle presentation on the “height study” and
the City Center public hearing did not begin until 11 PM and midnight,
respectively. The zoning hearings were taken first.

Channel 12’s television crew, there to cover the Cappelli City Center
project (which was listed first on the agenda, but was delayed until after
the zoning hearings), walked out after discovering the City Center was
delayed indefinitely into the night. (Public dessemination of the Cappelli
Center models presented later that night, would have been very helpful
to the public if televised clips of the model had been presented on Channel

BODY DRAIN: The “Meeting That Would Not End” continues.
By 3 A.M., only two Commissioners, a policeman, one spectator and
this reporter watched the Common Council grill Public Works Commissioner
Joseph Nicoletti relentlessly and repetitiously on the $1.2 Million
Youth Bureau and new Public Works Garage cost overruns. This action
took place at approximately 3 AM Tuesday morning. The council voted
7-0 to fund the overruns (See related
). Public Access Television Channel 72 will telecast the
first third of the meeting on Mondays; the second third on Tuesdays,
and the final segment on Wednesdays the rest of this month. Photo

According to the official City Hall statement released Tuesday, Delfino
in his 1998 Inaugural Address, pledged to “swing the doors of City
government wide open.” In the statement, it credits him with initiating
a series of reforms “aimed at increasing public access and participation.”
Increasing the number of times the Common Council has met has been the
most visible evidence of this initiative.

Delfino is credited by the statement with providing full access to Council
meeting minutes and agendas through the city website at,
which provides minutes of every Council meeting for the past six years.
The statement also reports: “Delfino has also restored work session
meetings, which allows the Common Council to be briefed in public on City
issues and to ask questions.”

It should be pointed out by this observer of City Hall that without scheduled
Work Sessions, all Common Council meetings would run much longer, and
projects, proposals, and resolutions would take even longer to go through
the presentation, hearing, and approval process than they do now, because
the Common Council would ask a lot more questions.

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