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The Urban Renewal Agency meeting this morning. 
Mayor Thomas Roach, center, assured attendees that any residents that were displaced by any future eminent domain action, if the legislation were enacted, would 
be helped to find other housing. He described the eminent domain legislation being 
considered as an effort to revitalize the Post Road block and contribute to the prosperity of the city.

WPCNR POST ROAD STORY. By John F. Bailey. September 5, 2019:

The Urban Renewal Agency opened and closed a hearing on the city proposal to exercise eminent domain on a string of properties fronting on the North side of Post Road, but did not vote on the measure aimed at improving the ambience on Post Road across the street from White Plains Hospital.

Susan Fox of White Plains Hospital told the Renewal Agency that the hospital was supportive of the measure, but told WPCNR the White Plains Hospital had not worked with the city in any way to suggest the city exercise eminent domain on the project.

Gabe Arrango, speaking the Board an owner of several parcels, opposed the project saying the properties were worth a considerable amount of money and were positive projects.

A representative from Grid Properties which owns vacant property at the confluence of Maple and Post Road, said they were planning an office complex on the property, but had not submitted plans to the city for a project yet. The representative told WPCNR Grid felt they would entertain the prospect of White Plains Hospital using those planned offices.

Mack Carter of the White Plains Housing Authority told WPCNR that demolition was proceeding on 135 South Lex as part of the Winbrook rebuild, and that asbestos abatement would be completed in October, when demolition would begin, with the second building completed sometime in 2020. Carter said the Housing Authority supported the eminent domain project because it provided the possibility of an enhanced environment for the residents of Winbrook.

WPCNR has learned that the eminent domain project was not discussed with the Common Council members WPCNR talked to. To this reporter’s knowledge there was no discussion of this eminent domain project in work sessions open to the public. The public relations agency for White Plains Hospital could not confirm if the hospital was or was not interested in building on the properties, if they are acquired by the city by eminent domain.

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