White Plains Police Persistence, Professionalism, Save Another From Suicide High Above Martine Avenue

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WPCNR POLICE GAZETTE. November 17, 2014:

Robert Riley, President of the White Plains Police Benevolent Association, reports the second successful White Plains Police effort that has prevented a second troubled person in a week from taking their life. Here is his report:

The White Plains Police Benevolent Association finds itself in the proud position of once again congratulating its heroic members for saving the life of another suicidal subject.  We would like to bring, to everyone’s attention, the outstanding efforts of the following members:
Sergeants Glynn, Farrelly and Calvano, 
ESU officers Carra and Lacayo, 
NCU officers Madera and D’Annibale,
K-9 Detective Kittlestad
PO’s Jamel Jones, Leon, Larrier and Bucci and
PSA Velger
On Sunday, November 16th, 2014 at approximately 1822 hours, HQ received a call from the Yonkers Police Department, informing us that there was a suicidal person on the roof of 11 Martine Avenue.
The suicidal subject’s wife contacted the Yonkers Police Department while she was in Tuckahoe.  Information was developed that the subject worked at 11 Martine Avenue.
A tremendous coordinated effort ensued, which started with PO’s Larrier, Bucci and PSA Velger conducting research to find the suicidal subject’s cell phone number and contacting Verizon for an emergency ping in an attempt to locate him.
The phone was pinged to within 1/2 of a mile of Westmoreland Avenue by these officers.  In addition, they were able to locate a telephone number for the suicidal subject’s brother in Florida, which became pivotal in determining whether or not the subject was still alive.
The subject’s brother was directed to repeatedly text his brother and while he was doing so, he informed us that his brother was reading the messages, verifying that he was still alive.
The tour commander, Sgt. Calvano, coordinated this effort inside, while simultaneously notifying the command staff and coordinating with field supervisors.  Sgts. Glynn and Farrelly coordinated a wide area search over the course of over an hour, which included office suites, parking garages, the train station and all streets in the 1/2 mile area of Westmoreland Avenue.
The subject’s wife advised our members that her husband was having financial difficulties and was directed by our members to continue calling him.
Where many others would’ve given up, our members remained persistent in having her call for over 30 minutes, which led to the suicidal subject finally contacting his wife to say goodbye.
At our request, he was coaxed into providing his location: a ledge on the penthouse at 25 Martine Avenue.
The subject was located between an 8 foot high safety glass partition and a drainage area on the terrace.  The door to the partition was locked and building maintenance failed to locate a key for it.
Sgt. Farrelly and PO Carra established a rapport with the subject and the on scene supervisors mutually agreed that the glass partition would need to be broken to rescue the subject.  The rescue was successfully completed and the subject was taken via ambulance to White Plains Hospital.
 Further, the rescue was recorded via several NCU officers body cameras, which showed a tremendous degree of professionalism, patience, and calm, collected behavior.
This incident is yet another testament to the tremendous skill, professionalism, dedication and heroism of our members.  On the supervisory end, the broad coordination between multiple units and officers displays outstanding leadership and the ability to unify as one team.  We praise and commend you for your tremendous work and for portraying this department and its members in the absolute best light.  Congratulations on a job well done!
God Bless and Stay Safe!
Robert T. Riley
White Plains Police Benevolent Association

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