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WPCNR CAMPAIGN 2024. By Dr. Stephen Rolandi . February 22, 2024:
This Saturday, it is South Carolina’s turn in the pre-Presidential convention season. In the Republican Primary, it is basically Donald Trump vs. former Governor/Ambassador Nikki Haley, plus a number of minor candidates who have either since ended their campaigns or are relative unknowns.
This primary permits Democrats to cross over, where Ms. Haley has gained significant support.. She has hit her stride and I expect that she will exceed expectations. Enthusiasm for the former President seems to have ebbed somewhat, in what is expected to be a relatively low turnout.
My call is: TRUMP 58%/HALEY 42%/Others 2%
It’s on to Super Tuesday! It should be noted that both Ronald Reagan (1976) and Joe Biden (2020) lost several primaries before winning primary contests.
What will be Ms. Haley’s off-ramp?
I would not be surprised if she seeks an independent candidacy under the banner of the No-Labels/Forward Party, who as yet do not have a Presidential candidate for the fall. Time will tell.