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WPCNR ACROSS THE EDITOR’S  DESK. By John Bailey Owner & Publisher, White Plains CitizeNetReporter Since 2000 A.D.:

I am going to run the entire  future County Executive Weekly Update on in prime time on the day it is internetcast.

This morning, WPCNR.COM begins a new feature of Westchester County Executive George Latimer’s Weekly Update.

The Weekly Update  began in 2019, 5 years ago. It rapidly turned into the Covid Update over the last four years.

Week-in, week-out, Mr. Latimer kept our spirits up with covid figures, often trying to point out to viewers of his reporters what we needed to do to stop the relentless spread of the epidemic, and encouraging with relentless enthusiasm the need to get vaccinated once the vaccines came like the  Pfizer Calvary to the rescue in January 2021.

This  report is hard to put together every week.

After watching the covid reports and now the Weekly Updates and featuring local Mayors, leaders, County Commissioners Mr. Latimer, reports  good and disappointing  news in a stalwart “let’s get through it, the only way out is through” optimism that  mitigates disappointing news  moves on, injecting hope and encouragement.

Not since Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia’s  reading the comics on the radio in the 1930s, FDR’s Fireside Chats, has a leader in this area worked so tirelessly to inform the citizens he governs so effectively and believably.

He has a real ability to do that. He is a natural.

Mr. Latimer is also on the radio every Tues morning on WVOX 1460 Radio 7:10 A.M. live--no tapes for him– on the Dennis and Tonny Good Morning Westchester program.

His Weekly Updates continue faithfully every week, live and delivered without reading a script always looking at the camera. You get more information on the Weekly Update on the county than any other source.

Figures on covid activity are not as timely or informative as they used to be (by New York State decision) and the shadow of the disease seems to be almost under control. I am crossing my fingers.

Mr. Latimer’s Weekly Update has now turned even more informative,to trend-spotting facts, events and efforts that has made it must-viewing for citizens wanting to know what is happening to them

The trouble is the  internetcast at 2 in the afternoon  is  when not many have a chance to see it.

Watching Monday’s briefing last Monday was really packed with information everyone should have heard. It was newsworthy on the situation with the budget effect on Westchester, the impact on citizens’ mental health from a talk by the Commissioner of Mental Health, Michael Orfe and an inside analysis of why the Albany Budget is more of a political process than practical sound management.

I realized that Mr. Latimer will only be doing these 30 to  55 minute Weekly Updates for three more years.

He should get an Emmy for this report.

It is professionally produced by Catherine Cioffi, the Westchester Director of Communications and her  crack production staff. It has the always clear and compelling George Latimer “Voice of Reason” as the magnetic personality that sets it apart. It is government communication that is state of the art.

I was slapped up the side of the head after watching this week’s update:

Once his successor comes in as county executive in three years, press opportunities  like the Weekly Update will  disappear. You will be lucky to even see the next County Executive half  as much as you see Mr. Latimer.

The Latimer team assembles  Weekly Update over the weekend…for presentation on Monday (it really is an all-week job of scheduling guest appearances, and sorting out what the public needs to know in most often a positive manner.

This is unheard of. A weekly address by a leader revealing plans in advance to people who might be affected by them.

I have  had an epiphany. I have realized why these updates are so important and why it is that they be more timely when available.

So with the permission of Westchester County, I am going to run the entire Weekly Update on the

website on Mondays at 8 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time.

Last Monday’s weekly update of May 1 will be the first such presentation and that is why

We hope you will take advantage weekly with  Mr. Latimer’s awesome communcation effort, the Weekly Update with this morning’s first Weekly Update (replay replay replay) of the May 1 report


John Bailey

Owner & Publisher

White Plains CitizeNetReporter

Founded 2000 A.D.


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