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WPCNR CORONA VIRUS SURVEILLANCE. Statistics from NY Covid Tracker, New York State Hospitalizations Tracker. Observation & Analysis by John F. Bailey. February 23, 2028:

Monday new cases of covid in Westchester, Orange, Rockland, Dutchess, Ulster, Putnam, Sullivan Counties and Long Island Nassau and Suffolk County exceeded the number of new daily cases in New York City for the first time during the three years of the Pandemic.

The 9 counties surrounding the 5 New York City boroughs were reported by New York Covid Tracker as having 525  new laboratory-confirmed  positive covid cases  Monday  while all of New York City reported 519.

The nine county daily cumulative number of new cases  has never exceeded a New York City   daily total  in the three years  duration, on-going covid pandemic.

The  nine counties and their governments and health officials have with a heavy reluctance to impose loose enforcement or no enforcement at all of recommended covid precautions.

This over the last two years has resulted in the 9 counties with  total  population of 5.1 million  (60% of New York City population of 8,804,000)  having new covid infections at higher and higher percentages of the 9 county infections compared to New York City populations.

The 9 counties have for two straight years failed to keep covid cases down once they had case surge under control to where a covid person would spread the disease to one or less than 1 person.

The nine counties and their villages cities and towns did not impose fines for individuals failing to mask, or organizations for failure to observe social gathering guidelines.

The New York State Education Department eliminated the requirements for schools to report students, staff and administrative infections of covid creating a lack of awareness of covid spread in the schools and school districts.

The New York State legislature by taking emergency powers away from former Governor Andrew Cuomo, and now with Governor Hochul shackled with the handcuffs prohibiting her from imposing executive orders in an emergency, the state legislature is choosing to ignore the covid spread potential.

The Big wave in covid built through the spring o 2023 when socializing and mask wearing, and vaccinations declined and the new variants of the disease started infecting.  

That spring of spread in Westchester had  infections started spreading slowly, accelerated in July to 10,000 in July and now has declined monthly for 6-1/2 months to last week’s low of 625.

 The State Health Commissioner recently said masks were not necessary in schools.

Now with the 9 counties equaling the number of cases New York City reported Monday, we may see more spread when schools comeback in session next week. The socializing of March returns to 5 day business and school weeks.

You are on your own Westchester because now the legislature is concentrating on the state budget and not paying attention to the covid problem at all they want an economy roaring again.

Monday, 17,264  New York City (all 5 boroughs) Lab-Verified Tests were reported and 519 were found positive, 3%.

In the 9 surrounding Mid-Hudson Counties and Nassau and Suffolk Counties 12,355 Lab Verified Tests were administered and  525 tested positive, 4% Positive rate. Bear in mind there is a lag here between the day a lab test comes in and effect on future positives.

The disturbing news from Monday in the Mid-Hudson Region:

Top three counties in population in the region: Westchester County, Orange and Dutchess each doubled with infections on Monday. Westchester  went from 54  Sunday to 110 infections Monday.  Orange County with population of  404,525 doubled from 28 cases Sunday  to 49 new cases of covid Monday .  Dutchess County (population, 339,227)   did double  from  20 cases Sunday to 45 new cases of Covid. Westchester had 110.

Be wary.

The low amount of tests in New York City and the 9 surrounding counties suggests to me two things: the positive is that people who feel sick or take an at-home test that turns up “+” are motivated to get a lab test to see if they are really “+” positive– are coming in 

The take away here is one of two things…the antigen tests are inconsistent possibly necessitating worry they have covid and they come in for a lab test to make sure they do or do not have it. Or, another possibility is the antigen positive test they may choose to ignore because they do not want to have to quarantine, or miss work, or what have you.

Right now Westchester county is coming off its lowest number of weekly positives in one year (625 last week). With infections hitting 110 Monday in Westchester, we will see how it goes the rest of this vacation week and next week to see if the vacation effect combines with the “covid is in the review mirror and happy days are here again” attitude starts another surge in cases.

The hospitalization figures for White Plains Hospital Center on February 21, Tuesday were published today.

The hospital reported to the state  they had 26 admissions  Tuesday February 21, and 11 of the admitted were found with covid, and 6 of those 11 were found to be tested positive after admission.  The hospital reported the facility had  322 “Acute Care Beds” Staffed, and 280 of Acute Care beds were occupied (87%).

To date from the first year of the covid pandemic From January 2020 to February 21, White Plains Hospital Center has admitted 5,008 covid patients. The hospital treated and discharged 4,477 covid patients and reported 531 fatalities (11%).

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