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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. From Michelle Melendez, Clerk to the White Plains Board of Education. January 28, 2023:
Editor’s Note: In the aftermath of the New Rochelle High School Nursing Staff saving the life of a high school student by administering a Narcan nasal spray when the student was not breathing, WPCNR asked the White Plains School District what were the narcan procedures in White Plains Schools. Ms. Melendez has issued the following statement explaining the procedures:)
Here is some Narcan information you requested:
As you are aware, we are presently facing an Opioid epidemic in our state and nation. To make our schools a safer place for students and staff, we are increasing the access of Narcan and opioid overdose training within our district.
All Nurse’s offices have always had Narcan available for use in an emergency situation and Narcan has been available in some of our AED cabinets throughout our schools for some time.
Access to Narcan and training will empower all staff to assist with potentially lifesaving measures, should an opioid overdose occur within our schools.
Rochambeau, White Plains High School, Highlands, and Eastview will have Narcan for use in an emergency in the following areas:
- Nurse’s emergency response bags
- Coaches’ emergency bags (coaches will have these during after school sports)
- Sport offices area
- Main office
- Inside all AED Cabinets
Elementary Schools will have Narcan for use in an emergency in these areas:
- Inside AED
- Nurses Emergency Bag
- Main offices
All CPR training in White Plains School District will include Narcan administration as it relates to CPR.
I hope this answers your questions in regard to Narcan.