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A Play About Crime, Punishment & Passion

Through November 20, Axial Theatre presents “Never the Sinner,” a play by John Logan that is inspired by real-life events. The story follows the complicated relationship between Nathan Leopold, Jr. and Robert Loeb, who kidnapped and murdered Loeb’s 14-year-old cousin in May 1924. “Never the Sinner” includes themes of crime, punishment and the desperation that comes along with intense passion. Read more about Axial Theatre and this play in the current issue of ArtsNews. Showtimes available at 11am and 8pm.MORE INFO

THROUGH SUN., NOV. 20: She Loves Me
Arc Stages presents the musical She Loves Me set in a 1930s European perfumery. Two feuding clerks, Amalia and Georg, respond to a “lonely hearts advertisement,” and they now live for the anonymous love letters they exchange. While the identity of their admirer remains unknown, the audience will join Amalia and Georg in each discovering who their true love is. Nov. 18 & 19 at 8pm and Nov. 20 at 2pm.MORE INFO

Six One-Act Plays Inspired by Iconic Songs
The Westchester Collaborative Theater (WCT) presents The Living Music Event, a festival of short plays that incorporates music into each production. This festival will feature six new one-act plays that were created during the WCT development workshop. Each play was inspired by an iconic song from the Great American Songbook, which will be sung by Ossining vocalist Anne Carpenter during the event. Friday, Nov. 18 at 8pm; Saturday, Nov. 19 at 2pm and 8pm; Sunday, Nov. 20 at 3pm.MORE INFO

The Great Holiday Train Show

The New Castle Historical Society kicks off its annual holiday tradition, The Great Holiday Train Showthis Saturday. Guests will discover the 19th-century summer residence of Horace Greeley, which will be festively decorated for the holidays with train displays running through each of the period rooms. Begins at 10am.MORE INFO

SUN., NOV. 20: An Evening of Late Renaissance Music at Caramoor
Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts presents countertenor Iestyn Davis and lutist Thomas Dunford for a concert in the Center’s Music Room surrounded by Renaissance furniture, Gothic tapestries and stained glass elements. These award winning musicians will perform a program of Late Renaissance French, Italian and English songs combined with solo lute music. Begins at 3pm.MORE INFO

FRI. NOV. 25 THROUGH SUN., NOV. 27: Hudson River Museum’s Holiday
Kick-Off Weekend

Hudson River Museum kicks off the holidays with a weekend of holiday events.  Events include Glenview Holiday Tours, where guests will visit the six fully restored period rooms decorated for the season, as well as holiday ornament workshops, performances from Thunderbird American Indian Dancers, and a special holiday edition of its The Sky Tonight planetarium show.  The tour begins at 1pm.MORE INFO

TUES., NOV. 29: Weekly Musical Playgroup: SHAC Snack Attack Hour
Every Tuesday morning, Hudson Valley Writers Center presents the SHAC Snack Attack Hour. This weekly musical playgroup, facilitated by Josh Lewis, founder and artistic director of The Sleepy Hollow Arts Center (The SHAC), gives children and their caregivers the opportunity to sing, dance, play and snack.  Live music is provided by local musicians, creating an immersive environment. Begins at 10am.MORE INFO

WED., NOV.30: Spiritual, Sacred and Secular Songs by Jewish Composers
Downtown Music at Grace presents soprano Jardena Gertler-Jaffe and pianist Bethany Pietroniro during a midday performance. The duo will explore concepts of the spiritual, sacred and secular through a program of works by Jewish composers and poets. Included will be Yiddish folksongs arranged by Dan Shore, of which Jardena Gertler-Jaffe made the world premiere. Begins at 12:15pm.MORE INFOThis and That by JL

ArtsWestchester CEO Janet Langsam’s Blog
So, What Are We Celebrating This Thanksgiving?

For many years after my ex-husband Ed and I decided to go our separate ways, his brother Mort would pack his Volkswagen bus with his three children, his ukulele and harmonica, and various Chilean relatives whom he brought here after the fall of the Allende government in Chile. Read more.

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