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WPCNR HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT. News & Comment by John F. Bailey.  June 11, 2022:

If American women think the #Metoo movement has changed anything, and it may have, may, I urge you to wake up and smell the black coffee this morning.

You are in the same place you always were looking up to power—male and female power who like power OVER you and want to keep it.

They do not care about your rights, your feelings, or you.

The East Bay Times reported this morning how a leading establishment newspaper showed just how far you, women of America of come.

The answer is not far.

You see, the good old people who want power are in big control of competent, responsible, get-the-job-done, women with pride and sense of right and wrong, and respect them not a wit.

They respect men more, no matter what they do or say. Men win and women always lose.

Twenty-two years ago when I first began this news website, I started to twitter when it came into existence.

In about a week of tweeting , I realized I could get in serious trouble with what I would write on the spur of the moment in outrage,  humor. I realized just as shooting off your mouth can get you into an argument, or shot, on twitter it can cost you reputation if you’re a man, but get you fired if you’re a woman and as the gorilla moguls used to say in movieland in the 30s, “You’ll never work or have lunch in this town, again.”

That happened to a reporter, Felicia Somnez, when she took exception to a tweet of a male colleague which she found insulting to women.

She tweeted back, calling him out for his comment, and this created a lot of push back from men on the paper staff on twitter, and she pushed back. The male reporter was suspended for a month without pay.

The woman persisted and the editor fired her.

The fair thing would be to fire them both.

But no. They fired the woman.

This is a disgrace to that prominent newspaper that proposes to speak truth and justice to the world.

 They lost a lot of my respect.

Credibility has been sacrificed on the cross of chauvinism that women have been nailed to for years.

Meanwhile the office banter probably continues in that newsroom. The eyeballing in the newsroom continues. The snide comments of “well we fixed that ‘b—–.”

Can’t you hear them?

Fear among women who still work at that miserable hypocritical atmosphere, has been reinforced big time.

You have no freedom of speech if you’re a woman in that kind of workplace. Especially if management is embarrassed by it.

But corporations have a lot to be embarrassed about. They don’t like it exposed.

Women  will never feel good working there again.

Never be paid fairly in comparison to men or women who have played ball to obtain power.

Promotion will be a trickier process than ever

The decision is inexcusable. Unfair. Vicious.

But is a stupid decision too.

The organization was not smart.

But now a message has been sent.

Make no mistake.

There is no such thing as a benevolent, fair, responsible corporation.

You work, you slave for them on the conditions they want.

Not what you want.

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