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WPCNR CORONAVIRUS MONITOR. From the New York State Covid Trackerhhich reports testing results on a 2-day delay with observations from John Bailey. December 30, 2021:
Long lines at testing facilies wrapped around the block into the City Center Garage on North Broadway this afternoon in White Plains are vivid scemes of the anxiety of the omnipresence of the Omicron Covid Varient racing through Westchester and the 6 other counties in the Mid-Hudson region. Covid cases are spreading at a faster daily rate ever the 22 months of the pandemic.
The City of White Plains was giving away K95 maskes at the Youth Burea on Amherst Place this afternoon, received from Westchester County in a effort to help protect citizens against the variant.
There is not way to downplay how fast the omicronvariant is working Westchester over.
Westchester reported 3,108 Tests on Sunday and Monday reported 3,408 sustaining an infectionrate of 24% positives on 14,122 tested. The smaller counties in the Mid-Hudson Valley continued to surge beyond their low levels previously at the same rates. Orange County is second with 1,598 new cases . Rockland reported 1,207, slightly down from 1,426 Sunday. Observers should understand that the state tracker reports on a 2-day delay.
Nassau and Suffolk posted a 25% infection rate. Nassau had 6,861 test positive of 6,861 tested a 24% infection rate. Suffolk reported 5,772 positives on 23,372 tested, a 24.7% infection rate . For one week, Nassau and Suffolk have averaged infection rates over 15%. This will produce thousands of new infections and hundreds of hospitalizations if the omicron turns out to be affect the unvaccinated more seriously.