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WPCNR CORONAVIRUS MONITOR. Based on the New York State Covid-19 Tracker. December 29, 2021:
The daily State-supplied covid new infections in Westchester County Sunday, the 26, out this evening were 3,108, setting a new daily high for the county.
With 2,049 infections Saturday Christmas Day and 3,108 the next day with more Westchester residents being tested, the 5,157 new infections were confirmation of the Covid Omicron Variant contagious power.
Westchester tested 14,415 Sunday and 3,108 tested positive, matching the 21% infection rate the county posted Saturday when 9,536 were tested and 2,049 tested positive.
Every other county in the Mid-Hudson Region experience sharp spikes in new infections.
Orange County showed 1,512 new infections four times the Saturday total of 461.
Rockland more than doubled its positives from 679 Saturday to 1,426.
Dutchess doubled positives from 278 Saturday to 799.
ULSTER doubled from 111 to 236.
Putnam with a most recent high total of 205 in the last two weeks showed 630 positive Sunday a tripling of positives from a previous high infection mark.
Sullivan quadrupled new positive infections Sunday from 61 Saturday to 284.
Long Island continued to spread red. reaching 10,545 infections total for the two counties, Nassau and Suffolk. Saturday the counties showed 6,334 infections.
The combined new infections in the 9 counties surrounding New York City Sunday was 17,940.
The one satisfaction is that Omicron does not appear to deliver as serious an illness as the Delta or original covid. However, there is no breakdown available of the impact on the unvaccinated persons getting the Omicron variant, yet.