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WPCNR COVID TODAY. From the NY State Covid Tracker Commentary by John F. BaileyAugust 1, 2021:
The third wave of coronavirus continues to sustain its growth in Westchester.
Westchester officials should be nervously watching for the state Saturday Corona Virus testing in Westchester due out his afternoon.
New cases of corona virus in the 5 days Monday through Friday July 26 through Friday the 39th totaled 581. In 10 to 14 days these 581 persons could pass the virus to over 3,000 others, according to the ratio of infections where each single person who tests positive will pass the virus to 6 persons who will in turn infect 15 more, possibly meaning Westchester 8,000 new cases in two weeks, the incubation period when covid symptoms start to show.
On Friday, the relentless infection rate continued.
The state tracker reported 156 new persons of 6,008 testing with covid, an increase of 11% over 140 positive on Thursday and 129 on Wednesday., ending the 5-day week with 425 new Westchester residents testing positive with covid. Friday’s infection rate new cases edged up to 2.6%.