504 Tested Positive Covid Saturday—highest daily new positives since mid-February.  2,942 Persons Test Positive 420 new cases each day in a week. VAXES THE ELIXIR: In 3 Weeks 50% of County could be Fully Vaccinated.

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WPCNR CORONAVIRUS REPORT. From NY Covid Tracker. Westchester Covid Tracker and NY Vaccine Tracker. News and Comment by John F. Bailey. March 29, 2021:

As testing of Westchesterites stepped up above the 12,000 tests administered a day level, the number of positives rose breaching the 500 new cases a day, highest since mid-February.

On Saturday, March 27, Westchester County tested 12,893 persons for Coronavirus and 504 tested positive. The 504 new cases on Saturday was the highest total since February 11 (520 positives) and February 12 (511)

The number of total tests conducted from March 27 back to last Sunday March 21 was 72,300, with 2,942 persons testing positive, putting Westchester County at an average infection rate of 4.1%..

When you test more, more cases are found and that is what happened March 24, last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday with 1,841 testing positive of 49,667 testing positive. 3.7%.

The number of new Covid cases per day  increased by 100 in four days of over 12,000 tests.

The Covid Week in Numbers:

Saturday, March 27: 12,893 Tested, 504 Positive, 3.9% Infection Rate.

Friday, March 26: 12,247 Tested. 492 Positive, 4% Infection Rate

Thursday, March 25: 12,196 Tested. 441 Positive. 3.6% Infection Rate

Wednesday: March 24. 12, 331 Tested. 404 Positive. 3.3% Infection Rate

Tuesday, March 23: 8,543 Tested. 375 Positive. 4.4% Infection Rate

Monday, March 22:  6,727 Tested. 354 Positive. 5.3% Infection Rate

Sunday, March 21: 7,363 Tested. 372 Positive. 5.1% Infection Rate

As I observed on the White Plains Week television report Friday evening which you can see tonight at 7 PM on Fios Channel 45 and Optimum Ch. 76 in White Plains:

The only Covidbarometer is the NY State Covid Tracker, AND THE WESTCHESTER COVID DASHBORD  which has a double-edged sword: when it shows lower percentage of new covid cases, the covid cases are usually in much higher numbers of tested persons, so you get a false sense that infection rate is dropping. That is not the case. Watching this barometer for weeks, I note that the Westchester County new infections daily continue to approach 400 new infections a day, ( hitting 504 on Saturday)The more infections, the more possibility of spreading the virus, and sabotaging the “recovery.” See the wild swings of infections positives per day. The orange curve shows the number of tests over the last 2-1/2 months and the little blue lines, the number of covid positives. The blue bar curve shows the new infections for the beginning of the pandemic and the other blue wave graph shows the last 2-1/2months, you can click on each bar to see infections in the number of tests. Look at the largest areas of the county and how they lead in infections the last two weeks: White plains has 293 new cases the last 2 weeks, 40 new cases. highest we’ve been in a while. Yonkers 99 new cases a day, Mount Vernon, 27 new cases a day, New Rochelle 33 new cases a day, Greenburgh, 12 new cases daily, Harrison, 12… the Tarrytowns, Mamaroneck and Larchmont, New and North Castles, Rye and Port Chester continue to show growth. Are they flattening or plateauing? On this chart you can see how the blow of the blue line of positives is gaining since February 1. This is particularly ominous because we are experiencing “Reopening Virus.” Everyone wants to get out and socialize. Go to religious services again. Go to restaurants, movies, concerts, and get back to work. Even schools where the least infections have occurred are reopening. With the family get-togethers over the religious holidays coming up and the mid-March infections turning into hospitalizations, What Dr. Anthony Fauci is seeing nationally MAY now happen here. The latest numbers out yesterday on Westchester County show it: On Monday, the 22nd 6,727 tests were administered in Westchester County, and 354 tested positive, an infectionrate of 5.3% the highest in a week. But-but, there were only 6,727 tests administered. You test 12,000, and the infection rate goes down to perhaps 3.5% but, that means you get 420 infections, 65 more with a lower infection rate. The more you test, the more you see how good or how bad a job the local cities and towns are doing in encouraging masking, and social distancing. The more you see the egregious negligence of not masking and social distancing, and socializing responsibly. VACINATIONS catching up to the irresponsible infection rate. The rapid rate of vacinations in Westchesters 3 vaccination centers and pop-up locations and pharmaceutical outlets is the key factor in Westchester recovery. It is going well. On Friday County Executive George Latimer said in his Covid Briefing that 22,000 arebeing vaccinated each day. At this rate of 22,000 a day getting vaccines, 154,000 may get their second shot and may be fully vaccinated in 3 weeks receiving second shots,which would bring the county up to 35% fully vaccinated, on target for perhaps 52% fully vaccinated by the end of April. According to the New York State Vaccine Tracker this morning, 181,893 Westchester persons have been fully vaccinated, 19% of the total County population with 320,926 awaiting their second shot. So, if all got their second shot by the end of April or by early May, the county could have more than half its population, 502,819 (52%) fully vaccinated.

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