County Chairman of the Westchester Board of Legislators Issues Year End Report — URGES LANDLORDS APPLY FOR CASH COUNTY EVICTION AID TO LANDLORDS BY TOMORROW

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Benjamin Boykin
Westchester County Chairman of the Board of Legislators
(WPCNR Photo)
WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. From Benjamin Boykin, Chairman of the Westchester Board of Legislators December 30, 2020:

We are urging residents in need to apply as soon as possible for these important housing relief programs. Sign up ends on Thursday, December 31, 2020:

Eviction Prevention Program for Tenants administered by Landlords:
Program can provide up to 75 percent of back rent for up to eight months of rental assistance for landlords who can demonstrate tenants were up to date for March, but have not been able to pay their rent due to COVID-19. Can assist owners of buildings with between 3 and 50 units; would be done by lottery to establish order for assistance.

Assistance available through County Planning. Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. For more information, please contact Pam Tarlow at (914) 995-1920.

Application in English: OF
Application in Spanish:
Foreclosure Prevention Program:
Program can provide up to several months of mortgage/cooperative arrears for those who can demonstrate COVID-19 as the reason and were up to date on their mortgages as of March 2020. Assistance is available through these four nonprofits agencies:
The Bridge Fund of Westchester – (914) 949-8146
Community Housing Innovations – (914) 683-1010
Human Development Services of Westchester – (914) 939-2878
Westchester Residential Opportunities – (914) 428-4507
For more information on all of these programs, as well as two additional programs specifically for Westchester County Urban Consortium Communities, please visit
Please forward this E-News to family and friends who may be interested in this information.

My annual year-end report, released Tuesday, looks back on Board of Legislators’ actions in the second half of 2020 including unanimous passage of operating, capital and special district budgets for 2021 that respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis.

 The operating budget cuts overall spending by $15.7 million and lowers the County property tax levy by $1 million while preserving essential services.

It also adds millions for business development, food insecurity and housing support. The capital budget invest more than $260 million in new improvements to infrastructure, transportation and parks, supporting more than 2,000 permanent jobs in Westchester.

The report details other 2020 actions by the Board including approving around 530 units of affordable housing; establishing in law an LGBTQ Advisory Board for the County; recommending election changes and financing the purchase of new election equipment; investing in Playland and other parks, capping third-party food delivery fees, supporting for police reform, and more.

2020 has been a year like no other in living memory. I am proud of the way County Executive George Latimer, this Board and the entire County government has worked together to serve the people of Westchester.

In times of crisis, people turn to government for help and we cannot and will not let them down. We have continued to conduct the people’s business, provide access to essential services and information, and pass legislation to benefit our residents, property taxpayers, consumers and small businesses.

With vaccines beginning to rollout, better days are in front of us. We look forward to getting back to work next year knowing that the choices we make as we confront the consequences of the pandemic, will impact this County’s well-being for a generation.You may read the report at

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