Legislators to Hear from Public on County Budget Dec 9

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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. From Benjamin Boykin, Chairman of the Board of Legislators , November 25, 2020:

The Board of Legislators will conduct a remote public hearing on the proposed Westchester County 2021 Budget on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 7 p.m.

Pursuant to Executive Orders from Governor Cuomo, to protect public health and safety, the hearing will be held without in-person access, but members of the public may participate several ways:


The hearing will be streamed live and be archived our website, www.westchesterlegisltors.com.  To stream it live, please navigate to the Current/On-Demand Meetings section of site  —  https://westchestercountyny.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=1.  A live link to the meeting will appear on our Upcoming Events list when the hearing begins.


The information below is for people who intend to speak or submit comments at the hearing.  If you would like to watch but not speak, we encourage you use our web video streaming system as noted above.

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